Electronics Engineering Review Materials: Section 1 Module 14

This is the Section 1 Module 14 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet.

Electronics Review Materials: Section 1 Module 14

This is the Section 1 Module 14 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet. This particular reviewer in Electronics Engineering has random Questions and Answers in random topics. Make sure to familiarize each questions to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.

Electronics Engineering Reviewers: Section 1 Module 14

1. In parallel inductance, if there is no mutual inductance, it adds up like:

Resistance in parallel

2. A bits per second is a unit of:

Data speed

3. The henry is a

A very large unit

4. A piano sounds different than a saxophone, even if the notes are the same frequency, because of a difference in a:


5. A gigabyte is a unit commonly used as a measure of

Data storage capacity

6. A world wide web:

Is a part of the internet

7. One coulomb is equal to the electron


8. A protocol ensures that:

Computers can exchange data

9. In robot Transmission system when the ratio of gear is constant

Chain driver

10. Elements can joined together to form


11. In biometrics, it is used to identify 1. Authentication 2. Identification 3. Verification


12. Reciprocal of reactance is called


13. Sony Humanoid, Robot that can dance, react with the environment, stand when fall


14. Memory that can easily accessed, but not written over, is called:


15. Supercomputers measured in computer

FLOPS-(floating point operation per seconds)

16. Mostly used in semiconductor

Gallium Arsenide

17. CMOS IC is

Employs N – Channel and P – Channel fet in a single chip

18. Most efficient method of damping in indicating instrument

Eddy current damping

19. Logic Circuit that used as even parity checker


20. Common Lab multimeter cannot measure


21. Ammeter used for measuring


22. Which does not affect the resistance


23. When you place a bar of iron inside a cylindrical coil of wire, and then run DC through the wire. You can produce an:


24. The rate of change in a quantity is called a:


25. An OP- amp LF157A

BIFET OP – amp

26. A mobile phone that can beam data at 144 kilobits per second and perfect use in video and music


27. A reactance modulator produces :


28. Conversion of AC to DC


29. The forward base bias in a transistor is increased until the collector current levels off. This condition is:


30. The logic of X + Y = Y + X indicates the

A commutative property

31. A type of FM detector that has its limiter built in is:

Ratio detector

32. High power low voltages rectifier

Full wave center-tap arrangement

33. Advantage of DSP(Digital Signal Processing)

High S/N ratio, immune in atmospheric noise, enhanced fidelity and improved intelligibility

34. In an AC, when the frequency becomes zero(dc) the reactance is

Becomes large negatively

35. Packet is

A piece of file sent over the net

36. The standard unit of inductance is the


37. AC utility mains usually


38. Physiological Biometry use to recognize a person by:

Fingers and hand, retina and iris, face

39. The difference between two ac signal with the same frequency but different in phase by exactly 1/10:

36 degrees

40. Boolean algebra is:

A useful tool in digital logic circuit design

41. A motherboard contains a:

a microprocessor

42. In a rectifier diode, current flows for approximately how much of the AC cycle?

180 degrees

43. If the impedance is resistive:

The reactance is zero

44. Another name for joules per second is:


45. A good type of resistor to use in radio amplifier is:

Carbon composition

46. A logic circuit has an output 0 when the input is 1, and vice versa:

A NOT gate

47. In an NPN bipolar transistor circuit:

The DC collector voltage is positive

48. One of the main shortcomings of MOSFETs is that they:

Are easily damaged by static electricity

49. In a parallel-resonant LC circuit, the impedance is:

High and resistive

50. In a resistance/inductance (RL) series circuit:

Current lags voltage by less than 90 degrees

51. Electrostatic forces can be measured to directly indicate:


52. In three-phase ac, the difference in phase between any two waves is:

120 degrees

53. A cell that can be recharged, and therefore used again and again, is called:

a secondary cell

54. The capacitance between two parallel sheets of metal is:

Inversely proportional to the distance between them

55. What is an advantage of digital signal processing (DSP)

improved signal-to-noise operation

enhanced fidelity

improved intelligibility

56. The electron volt is a unit of


57. Wave X leads wave Y by 270 degrees. This would be better expressed by saying that:

wave X lags wave Y by 90 degrees

58. Which type of amplifier circuit has the transistor or FET biased exactly at cut-off or pinch-off when there is no input signal?

Class B

59. The main factor that limits the frequency at which a P-N junction will rectify is the:

Junction capacitance

60. The rms value for an ac wave is also sometimes called the

Effective value

61. In a parallel combination of light bulbs, if one bulb socket totally shorts out:

The circuit had better have a fuse or a circuit breaker

62. Admittance is a quantity expressing:

Ease with which a circuit passes ac

63. In a NPN bipolar-transistor circuit:

The dc voltage on collector is positive

64. An example of a device that converts electrical energy into visible radiant energy is:

A light-emitting diode

65. Set of program lies between program software and computer hardware

Operating program

66. What is the difference of half-wave and full-wave rectifier with the same secondary voltage

Peak output voltage

67. What is the simple filter?

Capacitor parallel to the rectifier output

68. Advantage of ethanol over hydrogen as fuel cells

Easier to transport and store

69. A regulator that dissipates less power therefore generates less heat

Switching regulator

70. The regulator parallel to the load

Shunt regulator

71. When a photodiode is not use a photovoltaic cell, it is used as:

Reversed bias

72. Which states the current is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance?

Ohm’s Law

73. A law that states that the polarity of the induced voltage will oppose the change in magnetic flux causing the induction.

Lenz’ Law

74. The efficiency of the full-wave bridge type rectifier


75. Compounds use in microprocessor used in CRAY-1 supercomputer by seymour cray

Gallium Arsenide

76. Composed of two inputs (inverting and non-inverting) and one output.

Operational amplifier

77. It is used to display the waveform of the input signal.

Cathode ray oscilloscope

78. Which of the following is not a type of a capacitor?


- Air-variable

- Ferrite

- Mica

79. An LC oscillator circuit in which the tank coil has an intermediate tap

Hartley oscillator

80. The compensating capacitor prevents _______in op-amp


81. This type of oscilloscope use sampling technique for the frequency above the normal range

Sampling oscilloscope

82. The Holes flow is from:

Plus to minus

83. It is responsible for the movement of the manipulator in Robotic system and various axes in a working cell


84. The potential energy change by adding electron to gaseous atom or iron in their ground state

Electron affinity

85. In a pure inductance:

The voltage lags current by 90 degrees

86. It is produced by electric current rather than pure magnet


87. This is a graphical way to summarize the conditions under which equilibria exist in different phase of matter

Phase Diagram

88. The use of bleeder resistor

- none of the choices, protect the diode from current surge, protect the diode from voltage transients, use as voltage regulator

89. computer that deals with discrete data

Digital Computers

90. Amplifier that is used for pulse generation

Class-D amplifier

91. Voss mcCartny noise generator produces sequence of randomly modulated__________.

Squared Pulses

92. A 95.7Mhz is in range with FM broadcast band and in range with VHF radio spectrum uses what kind of core for an inductor

Air core

93. Non inverting amplifiers has:

Large closed-loop input impedance

94. The computer fundamental characteristics of speed, reliability and storage capability has by-products of:

Productivity, cost reduction and decision making

95. This is a linear regulator used in application requiring efficient utilization of the power source.

Series regulator

96. Transducers that are considered as low-level signal has the output voltage of:

+/-50 to +/-500mV

97. Robot programming in which the required sequence of functional and required positional movement is written in the remote computer console

Off line programming

98. It is adjustable period of time in which the oscilloscope cannot trigger, it is useful when dealing with complex waveform so as to trigger the first point of the waveform.

Trigger Hold off

99. IF you need to get a 100-ohms 10-watt resistor from unlimited supply of 100-ohms 1-watt resistor, this can be obtain by combining a resistor in series-parallel of:

4x4 series-parallel

100. Any substance at its boiling point has vapor pressure of:

One atmosphere

Section 1 Modules: Reviewers in Electronic Engineering

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