Electronics Engineering Review Materials: Section 1 Module 2

This is the Section 1 Module 2 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet.

Electronics Review Materials: Section 1 Module 2

This is the Section 1 Module 2 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet. This particular reviewer in Electronics Engineering has random Questions and Answers in random topics. Make sure to familiarize each questions to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.

Electronics Engineering Reviewers: Section 1 Module 2

1. Which is not needed external power or power supply?

- All generally needed (Filter (active), Voltage regulator, Transformer)

2. Pot core

- large inductance in small volume

3. Toroidal core coil

- essentially self shielding

4. Hunting

- less in steam turbine

5. Purpose of damper winding

- to prevent hunting

6. Needed when generator is used with variable

- CSD (constant speed time) speed prime mover (e.g. aircraft engine)

7. 360°

- Class A

8. 180° / a transistor class amplifier that has the efficiency of 50%

- Class B

9. Efficiency of Class C transistorized

- 33%

10. Amplifier configuration with one at positive alternation and another at negative, looking a lot like complementary configuration

- Quasi Complementary push-pull configuration

11. Same as #10, with “is then coupled to transformer”

- Transformer coupled push-pull configuration

12. Needs to be taken externally to be erased


13. If X is low, output of X AND Y equals

- Low

14. Has the highest efficiency

- Common emitter, common source

15. Screen grid

- Decreases plate to grid capacitance

16. If center conductor of coaxial cable is made to small diameter, all other is equal. What will happen to Zo

- It will increase

17. 0° point

- From zero going up

18. Positive triggering

- Pulse level is low to high

19. Requirement of oscillator

- Stage with gain

20. Oscillation requires:

- Positive feedback enough to overcome losses

21. Not necessary consideration

- Nature of source of energy

22. Connected in parallel to filter

- Bleeder resistor

23. In between positive and negative battery plates

- Separator

24. In oscilloscope where signal is fed:

- Vertical deflection plate / coil

25. Spectrum analyzer displays:

- Signal strength vs frequency

26. Horizontal calibration of oscilloscope display

- Time per unit division

27. Zener diode:

- Connected in parallel, reversed biased

28. Cluster is

- data in hard drive

29. Platter is

- part of hard drive

30. Needed for selection of multiple signals

- multiplexer

31. Most common semiconductor material

- silicon

32. R=0, S=0, RS flip flop response

- stay the same as before

33. Approximate noise gain of an inverting adder if it has 5 inputs

- 6

34. Compares voltages in a certain range not just w/ respect to reference

- window comparator

35. Derivative of sinusoid

- leads 90°

36. Output of rectifier

- pulsating dc

37. 175 dc connected to mains electricity

- pulsating dc

38. Capacitor is NTC

- if high capacitance in low temperature

39. Electricity due to heat, as in thermocouple

- thermoelectricity

40. Combination of N and P type technology


41. CMOS

- damaged by static

42. Principal disadvantage of MOS

- Easily damaged by static electricity

43. If susceptance is doubled

- frequency doubles

44. LAN that stores own data in each pc

- peer to peer LAN

45. If X is increased, all things constant

- phasor gets longer, rotates ccw

46. If inductive reactance and resistance is continually increased but at constant 3:1 ratio

- phasor is infinitely long line

47. Brief rise spike in voltage

- transient

48. If no signal input, Ic is greatest

- if E-B is Forward biased

49. Most stable for RF

- common base

50. Two transistor directly coupled as common collector

- darlington

51. Uses crystalline/ceramic substance to convert ultrasound to electrical energy

- piezoelectric transducer

52. For high density OP AMP integrated circuits


53. If IC is used, for packing density

- high switching speed

54. Designation of Dual in Line package (DIP)

- TO-116

55. Ratio of differential gain and common mode gain


56. Minimized through the use of small feedback resistance

- input bias current

57. Maximum rate at which w/c amp output can change

- Slew rate

58. 58.Significant if OP AMP is used as comparator

- Open loop gain

59. Cannot be charged

- primary cell

60. In pulse amplification, class D is mostly used. What is the efficiency of class D

- over 90% efficiency

61. FET will not conduct

- pinch off

62. JFET sometimes at pinch off

- if used at power amps

63. FALSE in ac:

- electrons flow in one direction

64. Electrode is carbon and zinc, also called dry cell

- leclanche cell

65. Electrode is nickel hydroxide and cadmium

- Edison cell

66. If source to gate is conducting

- a sign of improper bias

67. Silver cadmium cell, has a nominal open circuit

- 1.05V(e-review) voltage of 1.1V(book)

68. Step up transformer:

- primary voltage is less than secondary voltage

69. In Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), electrostatic deflection means

- the beam is bent by electric field

70. In FET, when biased at or beyond pinch off is

- power amplifier

71. How to minimize the effect of input offset current

- by having the feed and input offset voltage in output offset voltage resistance small

72. What is the voltage regulation when full load voltage

- 0% is the same as no load voltage, assuming perfect voltage source

73. Maximum current a cell can deliver in 0.01 ohm when testing

- flash current

74. In alternators connected in parallel, to change the frequency

- by changing the rpm of of the system the prime mover

75. In alternators connected in parallel, to change the

- by changing the voltage of the system field excitation

76. Transconductance

- the ratio of drain current and Gate voltage

77. Difference between triode and N-channel JFET

- triode needs more voltage

78. In vector diagram, the angle between 2 vectors is:

- phase difference

79. In class A amplifier, the Q point is set at:

- the center

80. An instrument used for a voltage w/ frequency

- frequency converter change to another voltage w/ another frequency

81. Non linear distortion in frequency

- harmonic distortion

82. A tube w/ constant voltage in changing current

- gas-filled regulator

83. Disadvantage of voltage multiplier

- poor regulation

84. Capacitance in reverse biased semiconductor

- width of depletion depends on:

85. Mutual inductance causes net values of set of coils to

- vary extent and phase of mutual

86. Parameter that helps to find Rf/Ri


87. Field poles in shunt fields

- always even number (exist in pair)

88. Although the op amp output should be zero volts,

- output offset voltage in actual operation there is

89. Eccles/Jordan flipflop is also known as

- bistable multivibrator

90. Multi cavity klystron has

- variable electron speed

91. The voltage gain of the basic instrumentation amplifier is set by

- a single internal resistor

92. Used in analog multiplication and division

- logarithmic amplifiers

93. A comparator switches to one state when the input reaches the

- upper trigger point

94. A mathematical process of determining the area under a curve

- integration

Section 1 Modules: Reviewers in Electronic Engineering

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