Electronics Engineering Review Materials: Section 2 Module 5

This is the Section 2 Module 5 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet.

Electronics Review Materials: Section 2 Module 5

This is the Section 2 Module 5 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet. This particular reviewer in Electronics Engineering has random Questions and Answers in random topics. Make sure to familiarize each questions to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.

Electronics Engineering Reviewers: Section 2 Module 5



1. The charge of a neutral carbon atom


2. What is the purpose of doping

To give a semiconductor material certain properties

3. The stray-wiring capacitance only affects at

Upper cut-off frequency

4. The collector drain current is

Total current of the dc source

5. The difference in the input bias currents

Input Offset Current

6. If the base resistance is open, the q point is in

the lower end of load line

7. The ripple factor for a full wave rectifier


8. does the current conduct in a class B amplifier

Half of the input cycle

9. If an electron has a unit charge of negative 1, the hole has a unit charge of


10. Most commonly used LC oscillator

Colpitts oscillator

11. Eddy Current aids to

The core loss

12. Which provides the largest gain of the three configurations

Common emitter

13. The differential voltage happens at the what stage of the op-amp

First stage

14. The center-tap is commonly seen in the

Balanced winding

15. The series voltage regulator is much efficient than the shunt voltage regulator since

It turns on and off the pass transistor

16. Which impurity is added to produce a P-Type


17. The output of a relaxation oscillator

Square Wave

18. In a mesh, the algebraic sum of voltages entering and leaving a node is zero

Kirchoff’s Second Law

19. Which of the following regarding the average voltage and rms voltage is true?

The rms voltage is always greater than the average voltage

20. What is the output voltage of the 78*** regulators


21. How are EMOSFET triggered?

Threshold Voltage

22. The Thevenin Resistance is equal to

The internal resistance of a norton circuit

23. A stable circuit with a variety of amplifier impedance uses


24. Breakdown voltage of a zener diode is

Approximately constant

25. RC snubber protects SCR against

False triggering

26. A graphic equalizer is a form of

Tone control

27. In regulators, the device that controls the amount of current/voltage/power

Control element

28. Clock periods are measured from

Similar points on the clock waveform

29. A kelvin electrostatic voltmeter uses

Fluid friction

30. Input impedance of JFET is


31. Efficiency of a linear regulator is high when

Headroom voltage is low

32. In a buck regulator, the output voltage is filtered with a

Capacitor-input filter

33. When the two input terminals of a differential amplifier are grounded,

The output error voltage exist

34. Unity gain frequency of a 741C IC is


35. Dropout voltage of IC


36. The cut-off frequency is equal to the unity gain divided by

Closed loop voltage gain

37. An elliptical approximation has

Rippled stopband

38. In a shift register, a clock signal indicates

When to shift a bit of data from input of a flipflop to output

39. To improve the DC output voltage of a DC supply

Filter capacitor may be installed

40. To service a power supply which you are not familiar with,

Leave it alone and have a professional work on it

41. Efficiency of a voltage regulator is high when

Little power is wasted

42. The change in input offset voltage due to change in temperature is

Input offset voltage drift

43. Susceptance and conductance adds to form


44. An EMOSFET can be recognized as

A broken vertical line inside a circle

45. Complex number are used in impedance since

It provides a way to represent what happens in the resistance-reactance circuits

46. Bandstop circuits are also called

Notch filters

47. Selenium works well in


48. Which does not increase loss in transmission lines

Reducing power output of the source

49. In op-amp, the input offset voltage is represented as a

Larger than open loop input impedance

50. Closed loop input impedance of a VCVS


51. In npn transistors, the electrons in the emitter have enough energy to overcome the barrier potential of

the base to emitter junction

52. the base to emitter voltage of an ideal transistor is


53. Blown fuse indicator uses

Light emitting diode

54. Inductive susceptance is measured in


55. It has a negative resistance region

Tunnel diode

56. ICVS amplifier circuits approximates an ideal

Current to voltage converter

57. Most power FETS are used in

High current applications

58. Ferromagnetic coils are not good in RF oscillators because

Air core coils have better thermal stability

59. In a TTL, when Schottky diode is added to the base to collector terminal, it results to a Schottky TTL. A schottky TTL

Increases switching speed

60. An IMPATT diode are used in

Microwave oscillators

61. PMOS are supplied with voltage up to


62. If you need exceptionally good ripple filtering, the best approach is to use

A capacitor/choke sections

63. To prevent damage to a multirange ammeter,

Ayrton shunt is used

64. The voltage at emitter is 0.7 less than the

Base voltage

65. The simplest way of protecting power supplies from reverse polarity is

Reverse biased diodes

66. Bandwidth of Class C amplifier decreases when

Q increases

67. If you need a winding L of 1.5H we use,

Ferromagnetic pot core

68. Each degree rise in junction temperature decreases barrier potential by


69. For ac amplifiers, what parameter affects its performance

Slew rate and frequency response

70. A comparator with a trip point of zero is also called

Zero-crossing detector

71. A zener diode is

A constant voltage device

72. What instrument having recognized with permanent values that is used as reference

Standard Instruments

73. In a parallel RLC circuit, and you need to find the complex impedance,

Find the net conductance and susceptance then convert to its resistance and reactance then add it together as R+jx

74. Increase of line voltage in a power supply

Decreases the efficiency

75. A Colpitts oscillator can be recognized by

A split capacitor in the tuned circuit

76. A wien-bridge oscillator is also called a

Notch filter

77. A VCVS amplifier has no output voltage, what is the problem

Shorted load resistance

78. In an N-channel JFET, pinchoff occurs when the gate bias is

Very negative

79. Majority carriers in the emitter of a PNP transistor


80. The best filter for a power supply

A capacitor in parallel and a choke in series

81. How will you handle unsaved inputs in a logic gate

Pull them down or up depending on the circuit function

82. If the emitter resistance is doubled with TSEB, the collector current will

Drop in half

83. If a CE stage is directly coupled to an emitter follower, how many coupling capacitors are there between the 2 stages?


84. The toroid core is better than the solenoid because

It confines the magnetic flux

85. If a JFET is used in an AGC, it acts as a

Voltage-controlled resistor

86. To decrease the distortion in amplified signals, you must increase the

Emitter feedback resistor

87. The zero-adjust control knob in an analog ammeter is for

Compensating the internal battery

88. Without current limiting, when the load resistor is shorted

It destroys diodes and transistors

89. Instruments used to measure exceeding the mercury thermometer


90. Which of the following has no insertion error


91. The electrons in NPN transistors do not recombine because

They have a long lifetime

92. In analyzing emitter-based configurations, the first step is to obtain

Base current

93. To obtain a butterworth response in an 8th order filter, the stages must have

Staggered Qs

94. In flip-flop arrangements, the first receives its input in the positive cycle and the other receives its input from the output of the first in the negative cycle

Master/slave Flip-flops

95. If you increase the internal temperature in power FETs,

The drain current decreases

96. If the IC linear regulator is a few inches between the filter capacitor, the IC will oscillate unless

Use a bypass capacitor in the input

97. If the input of the emitter-follower increases the output will be


98. A non-inverting amplifier has

A high closed-loop input impedance

99. A group of oscillators forming a loop

Ring counter

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