Electrical Units - Gibilisco MCQs in Electronics

MCQs in Electrical Units from the book Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics, 5th edition by Stan Gibilisco.

Multiple choice questions in Electrical Units

This is the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in Chapter 2: Electrical Units from the book Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics, 5th edition by Stan Gibilisco. If you are looking for a reviewer in Electronics Engineering this will definitely help you before taking the Board Exam.

Topic Outline for the Chapter 2 MCQs

  • The Volt
  • The Ampere
  • Resistance and the Ohm
  • Conductance and the Siemens
  • Power and the Watt
  • A Word about Notation/li>
  • Energy and the Watt-Hour
  • Alternating Current and the Hertz
  • Safety Considerations in Electrical Work
  • Magnetism
  • Magnetic Units
  • Other Energy Units

start Practice Exam Test Questions

1. A positive electric pole:

  • A. Has a deficiency of electrons.
  • B. Has fewer electrons than the negative pole.
  • C. Has an excess of electrons.
  • D. Has more electrons than the negative pole

2. An EMF of one volt:

  • A. Cannot drive much current through a circuit.
  • B. Represents a low resistance.
  • C. Can sometimes produce a large current.
  • D. Drops to zero in a short time.

3. A potentially lethal electric current is on the order of:

  • A. 0.01 mA.
  • B. 0.1 mA.
  • C. 1 mA.
  • D. 0.1 A.

4. A current of 25 A is most likely drawn by:

  • A. A flashlight bulb.
  • B. A typical household.
  • C. A power plant.
  • D. A clock radio.

5. A piece of wire has a conductance of 20 siemens. Its resistance is:

  • A. 20 Ω.
  • B. 0.5 Ω.
  • C. 0.05 Ω.
  • D. 0.02 Ω.

6. A resistor has a value of 300 ohms. Its conductance is:

  • A. 3.33 millisiemens.
  • B. 33.3 millisiemens.
  • C. 333 microsiemens.
  • D. 0.333 siemens.

7. A mile of wire has a conductance of 0.6 siemens. Then three miles of the same wire has a conductance of:

  • A. 1.8 siemens.
  • B. 1.8 Ω.
  • C. 0.2 siemens.
  • D. Not enough information has been given to answer this.

8. A 2-kW generator will deliver approximately how much current, reliably, at 117 V?

  • A. 17 mA.
  • B. 234 mA.
  • C. 17 A.
  • D. 234 A.

9. A circuit breaker is rated for 15 A at 117 V. This represents approximately how many kilowatts?

  • A. 1.76.
  • B. 1760.
  • C. 7.8.
  • D. 0.0078.

10. You are told that a certain air conditioner is rated at 500 Btu. What is this in kWh?

  • A. 147.
  • B. 14.7.
  • C. 1.47.
  • D. 0.147.

11. Of the following energy units, the one most often used to define electrical energy is:

  • A. The Btu.
  • B. The erg.
  • C. The foot pound.
  • D. The kilowatt hour.

12. The frequency of common household ac in the U.S. is:

  • A. 60 Hz.
  • B. 120 Hz.
  • C. 50 Hz.
  • D. 100 Hz.

13. Half-wave rectification means that:

  • A. Half of the ac wave is inverted.
  • B. Half of the ac wave is chopped off.
  • C. The whole wave is inverted.
  • D. The effective value is half the peak value.

14. In the output of a half-wave rectifier:

  • A. Half of the wave is inverted.
  • B. The effective value is less than that of the original ac wave.
  • C. The effective value is the same as that of the original ac wave.
  • D. The effective value is more than that of the original ac wave.

15. In the output of a full-wave rectifier:

  • A. The whole wave is inverted.
  • B. The effective value is less than that of the original ac wave.
  • C. The effective value is the same as that of the original ac wave.
  • D. The effective value is more than that of the original ac wave.

16. A low voltage, such as 12 V:

  • A. Is never dangerous.
  • B. Is always dangerous.
  • C. Is dangerous if it is ac, but not if it is dc.
  • D. Can be dangerous under certain conditions.

17. Which of these can represent magnetomotive force?

  • A. The volt-turn.
  • B. The ampere-turn.
  • C. The gauss.
  • D. The gauss-turn.

18. Which of the following units can represent magnetic flux density?

  • A. The volt-turn.
  • B. The ampere-turn.
  • C. The gauss.
  • D. The gauss-turn.

19. A ferromagnetic material:

  • A. Concentrates magnetic flux lines within itself.
  • B. Increases the total magnetomotive force around a current-carrying wire.
  • C. Causes an increase in the current in a wire.
  • D. Increases the number of ampere-turns in a wire.

20. A coil has 500 turns and carries 75 mA of current. The magnetomotive force will be:

  • A. 37,500 At.
  • B. 375 At.
  • C. 37.5 At.
  • D. 3.75 At.

Complete List of Multiple Choice Questions from this Book

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