This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 1 of the Series in Engineering Materials as one of the General Engineering and Applied Sciences (GEAS) topic. In Preparation for the ECE Board Exam make sure to expose yourself and familiarize in each and every questions compiled here taken from various sources including past Board Questions in General Engineering and Applied Sciences (GEAS) field.
Online Questions and Answers in Engineering Materials Series
Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:
Start Practice Exam Test Questions Part I of the Series
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.
1. What are considered as the “building blocks” for engineering materials?
- A. Atoms
- B. Elements
- C. Matters
- D. Compounds
2. What are the major classes of engineering materials?
- A. Metals, ceramics and semiconductors
- B. Polymers, metals and composites
- C. Metals, ceramics, polymers and semiconductors
- D. Metals, ceramics, polymers, semiconductors and composites
3. What types of materials behave like iron when placed in a magnetic field?
- A. Crystals
- B. Amorphous materials
- C. Ferromagnetic materials
- D. Metalloids
4. What do you call metals reinforced by ceramics or other materials, usually in fiber form?
- A. Metalloids
- B. Matrix alloys
- C. Metal lattices
- D. Metal Matrix composites
5. What is a combination of one or more metals with a nonmetallic element?
- A. Metalloids
- B. Matrix Composite
- C. Inert
- D. Ceramic
6. Polymer comes from Greek words “poly” which means “many” and “meros” which means __________.
- A. metal
- B. material
- C. part
- D. plastic
7. The engineering materials known as “plastics” are more correctly called ____________.
- A. Polyvinyl chloride
- B. Polymers
- C. Polyethylene
- D. Mers
8. What is a combination of two or more materials that has properties that the components materials do not have by themselves?
- A. Compound
- B. Composite
- C. Mixture
- D. Matrix
9. What is a reference sheet for the elements that can be used to form engineering materials?
- A. Periodic Table
- B. Truth Table
- C. Building blocks of Materials
- D. Structure of Materials
10. What physical property of a material that refers to the point at which a material liquefies on heating or solidifies on cooling?
- A. Melting point
- B. Curie point
- C. Refractive index
- D. Specific heat
11. What physical property of a material that refers to the temperature at which ferromagnetic materials can no longer be magnetized by outside forces?
- A. Melting point
- B. Thermal conductivity
- C. Thermal expansion
- D. Curie point
12. What physical property of a material refers to the amount of weight gain (%) experienced in a polymer after immersion in water for a specified length of time under a controlled environment?
- A. Dielectric strength
- B. Electric resistivity
- C. Water absorption
- D. Thermal conductivity
13. What physical property of a material that refers to the rate of heat flow per unit time in a homogenous material under steady-state conditions per unit are, per unit temperature gradient in a direction perpendicular to area?
- A. Thermal expansion
- B. Thermal conductivity
- C. Heat distortion temperature
- D. Water absorption
14. What physical property of a material refers to the highest potential difference (voltage) that an insulting material of given thickness can withstand for a specified time without occurrence of electrical breakdown through its bulk?
- A. Thermal expansion
- B. Conductivity
- C. Dielectric strength
- D. Electrical resistivity
15. What physical property of a material refers to the ratio of the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance 1 degree to the heat required to raise the same mass of water to 1 degree.
- A. Specific heat
- B. Latent heat
- C. Heat of fusion
- D. Heat of fission
16. What physical property of a material refers to the temperature at which a polymer under a specified load shows a specified amount of deflection?
- A. Curie temperature
- B. Specific heat
- C. Heat distortion temperature
- D. Thermal conductivity
17. What mechanical property of a material refers to the nominal stress at fracture in a tension test at constant load and constant temperature?
- A. Creep strength
- B. Stress rapture strength
- C. Compressive yield strength
- D. Hardness
18. What mechanical property of a material refers to the resistance to plastic deformation?
- A. Rigidity
- B. Plasticity
- C. Ductility
- D. Hardness
19. What parameter is defined as the temperature at which the toughness of the material drops below some predetermined value, usually 15ft-lb?
- A. Nil ductility temperature
- B. Curie temperature
- C. Thermal conductivity
- D. Heat distortion temperature
20. What is obtained by repeatedly loading a specimen at given stress levels until it fails?
- A. Elastic limit
- B. Endurance limit or fatigue strength of material
- C. Creep
- D. All of the choices
21. What dimensional property of a material refers to the deviation from edge straightness?
- A. Lay
- B. Out of flat
- C. Camber
- D. Waviness
22. What dimensional property of a material refers to a wavelike variation from a perfect surface, generally much wider in spacing and higher in amplitude than surface roughness?
- A. Lay
- B. Waviness
- C. surface finish
- D. Out of flat
23. Wood is composed of chains of cellulose molecules bonded together by another natural polymer called ________.
- A. plastic
- B. lignin
- C. mer
- D. additive
24. What is a polymer production process that involves forming a polymer chain containing two different monuments?
- A. Copolymerization
- B. Blending
- C. Alloying
- D. Cross-linking
25. What is the generic name of class of polymer which is commercially known as “nylon”?
- A. Polyacetals
- B. Polyamide
- C. Cellulose
- D. Polyester
26. By definition, a rubber is a substance that has at least _____ elongation in tensile test and is capable of returning rapidly and forcibly to its original dimensions when load is removed.
- A. 100 %
- B. 150 %
- C. 200 %
- D. 250 %
27. What is a method of forming polymer sheets or films into three-dimensional shapes in which the sheet is clamped on the edge, heated until it softens and sags, drawn in contact with the mold by vacuum, and cooled while still in contact with the mold?
- A. Calendaring
- B. Blow molding
- C. Thermoforming
- D. Solid phase forming
28. What is a process of forming continuous shapes by forcing a molten polymer through a metal die?
- A. Calendaring
- B. Thermoforming
- C. Lithugraphy
- D. Extrusion
29. What chemical property of a material which refers to its ability to resist deterioration by chemical or electrochemical reactions with environment?
- A. Stereo specificity
- B. Corrosion resistance
- C. Conductivity
- D. Electrical resistance
30. What refers to the tendency for polymers and molecular materials to from with an ordered, spatial, three-dimensional arrangement of monomer molecules?
- A. Stereo specificity
- B. Conductivity
- C. Retentivity
- D. Spatial configuration
31. What is the amount of energy required to fracture a given volume of material?
- A. Impact strength
- B. Endurance limit
- C. Creep strength
- D. Stress rupture strength
32. What mechanical property of a material which is a time-dependent permanent strain under stress?
- A. Elongation
- B. Elasticity
- C. Creep
- D. Rupture
33. What refers to the stress at which a material exhibits a specified deviation from proportionality of stress and strain?
- A. Tensile strength
- B. shear strength
- C. Yield strength
- D. Flexural strength
34. The greatest stress which a material is capable of withstanding without a deviation from acceptable of stress to strain is called _______.
- A. Elongation
- B. proportional limit
- C. yield point
- D. elastic limit
35. What is the maximum stress below which a material can theoretically endure an infinite number of stress cycles?
- A. Endurance state
- B. Endurance test
- C. Endurance limit
- D. endurance strength
36. What is a substance that attracts piece of iron?
- A. Conductor
- B. Semiconductor
- C. Magnet
- D. Semimetal
37. Which of the following is a natural magnet?
- A. Steel
- B. Magnesia
- C. Lodestone
- D. Soft iron
38. What is the resistance of a material to plastic deformation?
- A. Hardness
- B. Stiffness
- C. Creepage
- D. Rigidity
39. Which of the following materials has permeability slightly less than that of free space?
- A. Paramagnetic materials
- B. Non-magnetic materials
- C. Ferromagnetic materials
- D. Diamagnetic materials
40. What materials has permiabilities slightly greater than of free space?
- A. Paramagnetic materials
- B. Non-magnetic materials
- C. Ferromagnetic materials
- D. Diamagnetic materials
41. Which of the materials have very high permiabilities?
- A. Paramagnetic materials
- B. Non-magnetic materials
- C. Ferromagnetic materials
- D. Diamagnetic materials
42. What is the defined by ASTM as a material that contains as an essential ingredient an organic substance of large molecular weight, is solid in its finished state, and some stage in its manufactured or in its processing into finished articles, can be shaped by flow?
- A. Metal
- B. Metalloid
- C. Plastic
- D. Ceramic
43. Some polymetric materials such as epoxies are formed by strong primary chemical bonds called ________.
- A. Metallic bond
- B. Van der Waals bond
- C. Cross linking
- D. Covalent bond
44. What do you call a polymer without additives and without blending with another polymer?
- A. Homo polymer
- B. Ethenic polymer
- C. Polyethylene
- D. Copolymer
45. A large molecule with two alternating mers is called as _______.
- A. monomer
- B. elastomer
- C. mers
- D. copolymer or interpolymer
46. What term is used to describe a polymer that has rubberlike properties?
- A. Vulcanizer
- B. Elasticmer
- C. Polychloroprene
- D. Elastomer
47. What is defined as an alloy of iron and carbon, with the carbon being restricted within certain concentration limits?
- A. Steel
- B. Wrought Iron
- C. Cast Iron
- D. Tendons
48. What is the most popular steel refining process or technique which involves casting of steel from the BOF or electric furnace into cylindrical ingots?
- A. Vacuum are remelting (VAR)
- B. Vacuum induction melting (VIM)
- C. Electron beam refining
- D. Electroslag refining
49. In what special refining process of steel where molten metal is poured down a tundish (chute) into an ingot mold?
- A. Electroslag refining
- B. Vacuum are remelting
- C. Vacuum induction melting
- D. Electron beam refining
50. What type of steel has carbon as its principal hardening agent?
- A. Alloy steel
- B. Stainless steel
- C. Galvanized steel
- D. Carbon steel
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