This is the summary notes of the important terms and concepts in Chapter 21 of the book "Electronic Communications System" by Wayne Tomasi. The notes are properly synchronized and concise for much better understanding of the book. Make sure to familiarize this review notes to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.
Items |
Definitions |
Terms |
1 |
Information that is stored in digital form. Information that has been processed organized and stored. |
Data |
2 |
Knowledge or intelligence. |
Information |
3 |
The transmission, reception, and processing of digital information. |
Data Communications |
4 |
It is to transfer digital information from one place to another. |
Data Communications Circuit |
5 |
A set of devices interconnected by media links. |
Network |
6 |
Systems of interrelated computers and computer equipment and can be as simple as a personal computer connected together through the PTN. |
Data Communications Networks |
7 |
Automatic teller machine |
8 |
When was one of the earliest means of communicating electrically coded information occurred? |
1753 |
9 |
In 1833, he developed an unusual system based on a five-by-five matrix representing 25 letters. The idea was to send message over a single wire. |
Carl Friedrich Gauss |
10 |
The first successful data communications that was invented in 1832. Dots and Dashes. |
Telegraph |
11 |
He invented the first practical data communications code which is called Morse Code. |
Samuel F.B. Morse |
12 |
Allegedly invented the first telegraph in England. |
1. Sir Charles Wheatstone 2. Sir William Cooke |
13 |
In 1874, he invented the telegraph multiplexer which Emile allowed up to six different telegraph machines to be transmitted simultaneously over a single wire. |
Emile Baudot |
14 |
It was invented in 1875 by Alexander Graham Bell. |
Telephone |
15 |
He succeeded in sending radio telegraph messages. |
Guglielmo Marconi |
16 |
The only means of sending information across large spans of water until 1920. |
Telegraph |
17 |
A German engineer, demonstrated a computing machine sometime in the late 1930s. |
Konrad Zuis |
18 |
Developed the ENIAC computer on Feb. 14, 1946 |
J. Presper Eckert John Mauchley |
19 |
A technique that process one job at a time. |
Batch Processing |
20 |
Built in 1951 by Remington Rand Corp., was the First mass-produced electronic computer. |
UNIVAC Computer |
21 |
A public data communications network used by millions of people all over the world to exchange business and personal information. |
Internet |
22 |
Private data communications networks used by many companies to exchange information among employees and resources. |
Intranet |
23 |
Any system of computers, computer terminals or computer peripheral equipment used to transmit and receive information between two or more locations. |
Data Communications Network |
24 |
A set of equipment, transmission media and procedures that ensures that a specific sequence of events occurs in a network in the proper order to produce the intended results. |
Network Architecture |
25 |
Messages are intended for all subscribers on the network. |
Broadcasting |
26 |
Messages are intended for a specific group of subscribers. |
Multicasting |
27 |
Defines the procedures that the systems involved in the communications process will use. |
Protocols |
28 |
Sets of rules governing the orderly exchange of data within the network or a portion of the network. |
Data Communications Protocols |
29 |
The list of the protocols used by a system. |
Protocol Stack |
30 |
It consists of two or more independent levels. |
Layered Network Architecture |
31 |
A logical connection is established between the endpoints prior to the transmission of data. |
Connection Oriented or Connectionless |
32 |
They are designed to provide a high degree of reliability for data moving through the network. |
Connection-Oriented Protocol |
33 |
A connection process that occurs between two stations before any data are actually transmitted. Another terms: · Sessions · Virtual circuits · logical connections |
Handshake |
34 |
It refers to the structure or format of the data within the message, which includes the sequence in which the data are sent. |
Syntax |
35 |
Guidelines that have been generally accepted by the data communications industry. Types of standards: Ø Proprietary system -open Ø open system |
Data Communications Standards |
36 |
Generally controlled and manufactured by one company. |
Proprietary Standard |
37 |
The international organization for standardization on a wide range of subjects. |
International Standards Organization (ISO) |
38 |
The member of ISO from the United States. |
American National Standard Institute (ANSI) |
39 |
It is formerly CCITT, one of four permanent parts is based in Geneva, Switzerland. |
International Telecommunications Union |
40 |
Modem interfaces and data transmission over the telephone lines. |
V series |
41 |
Data transmission over public digital Network, e-mail and directory services. |
X series |
42 |
An international professional organization founded in the United States and is comprised of electronics, computer and communications engineers. |
Institute of Electrical & IEEE)and Electronics Engineers |
43 |
A non-profit U.S. trade association that establishes and recommends industrial standards. |
Electronics Industry Association (EIA) |
44 |
The leading trade association in the communications and information technology industry. |
Telecommunications Industry Association |
45 |
The research arm of the Department of Defense in 1957. |
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) |
46 |
A large international community of network designers, operators, vendors and researches concerned with the evolution of the internet architecture and the smooth operation of the internet. |
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) |
47 |
It promotes research of importance to the evolution of the future Internet by creating focused, long term and small research groups working on topics related to internet protocols. |
Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) |
48 |
A unit of data. |
Protocol data Unit (PDU) |
49 |
The process of adding and removing the PDU information. |
Encapsulation/Decapsulation |
50 |
It means to place in a capsule or other protected environment. |
Encapsulate |
51 |
It means to remove from a capsule or other protected environment. |
Decapsulate |
52 |
Defines which entity the service is intended. |
Service Access Point (SAP) |
53 |
The name for the set of standards for communicating among computers Seven OSI layers: · application · presentation · session · transport · network · data link · physical |
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) |
54 |
Responsible for the actual propagation of unstructured data bits through a transmission medium. |
Physical Layer |
55 |
Responsible for providing error-free communications across the physical link connecting primary and secondary stations within a network. |
Data Link Layer |
56 |
Provides details that enable data to be routed between devices in an environment using multiple networks, subnetwork, or both. |
Network Layer |
57 |
Controls and ensures the end-to-end integrity of the data message propagated through the network between two devices, which provides reliable, transparent transfer of data between two endpoints. |
Transport Layer |
58 |
Responsible for network availability. |
Session Layer |
59 |
Provides independence to the application processes by addressing any code or syntax conversion necessary to present the data to the network in a common communications format. |
Presentation Layer |
60 |
It provides distributed information services and controls the sequence of activities within an application. |
Application Layer |
61 |
An endpoint where subscribers gain access to the circuit. |
Station |
62 |
Another term of station which is the location of computers, computer terminals, workstations and other digital computing equipment. |
Node |
63 |
Interconnects digital computer equipment. |
Facilities |
64 |
Provides means to enter data from humans. |
Source |
65 |
Encodes a wireless radio system without being converted to analog first. |
Transmitter |
66 |
Carries the encoded signals from the transmitter to the receiver. |
Transmission Medium |
67 |
Converts the encoded signals received from the transmission medium back to their original form. |
Receiver |
68 |
It could be a mainframe computer, personal computer workstation or virtually any piece of digital equipment. |
Destination |
69 |
A type of transmission where all four bits can be transmitted simultaneously during the time of a single clock pulse. |
Parallel by Bit or Serial by Character |
70 |
Transmission where four clock pulses are required to transmit the entire four-bit code. |
Serial by Bit |
71 |
It involves only two locations or stations |
Two-Point Configuration |
72 |
It involves three or more stations. |
Multi-point Configuration |
73 |
Data transmission is unidirectional where information can be sent in only one direction. |
Simplex |
74 |
Also called Receive-Only, Transmit Only or One-way-only Lines |
Simplex Lines |
75 |
Data transmission is possible in both directions but not at the same time. Another term: · two way alternate lines · either way lines |
Half Duplex |
76 |
Transmissions are possible in both directions between two stations simultaneously, but they must be between same time. Another terms; · Two-way simultaneous · duplex · both-way lines |
Full Duplex |
77 |
Transmission is possible in both directions at the same time but not between the same two stations. It is possible only on multipoint circuits. |
Full/Full Duplex |
78 |
The process of sharing resources between computers over a data communications network. |
Networking |
79 |
The manual technique of moving data on disks. |
Sneaker Net |
80 |
Computers that hold shared files, programs and the network operating system. |
Servers |
81 |
Computers that access and use the network and shared network resources. |
Client |
82 |
The facilities used to interconnect computers in a network. |
Transmission Media |
83 |
Data that file servers provide to clients. |
Shared Data |
84 |
Hardware resources provided to the users of the network by servers. |
Shared Printers and other peripherals |
85 |
An expansion card and prepares and sends data, receives data and controls data flow between the computer and the network. |
Network Interface Card (NIC) |
86 |
Allows personal computers to access files, print to a local printer and have and use one or more disk and CD drives that are located on the computer. |
Local Operating System (LOS) |
87 |
A program that runs on computers and servers that allows the computers to communicate over a network. |
Network Operating System (NOS) |
88 |
One in which all computers share their resources. |
Peer - to - Peer Client/ Server Network |
89 |
One computer is designated the server and the rest of the computers are clients. |
Dedicated Client/Server Network |
90 |
Describes the layout or appearance of a network. |
Network Topology |
91 |
Describes how the network is actually laid out. |
Physical Topology |
92 |
Describes how data actually flow through the network. |
Logical Topology |
93 |
A multipoint data communications network where remote stations are connected by cable segments directly to a central located computer. |
Star Topology |
94 |
A multipoint data communications circuit that makes it relatively simple to control data flow between and among the computers. |
Bus Topology |
95 |
A multipoint data communications network where all stations are interconnected in tandem to form a closed loop or circle. |
Ring Topology |
96 |
Every station has a direct two-point communications link to every other station on the circuit. |
Mesh Topology |
97 |
Combining two or more of the traditional topologies to form a larger, more complex topology. |
Hybrid Topology |
98 |
Privately own networks in which 10 to 40 compute share data resources with one or more file server. |
Local Area Networks (LANs) |
99 |
A high-speed network similar to a LAN except the are designed to encompass larger areas, usually that of an entire city. |
Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) |
100 |
Provides low-speed, long distance transmission of data voice, and video information over large and widely dispersed geographical areas such as country or an entire continent. It interconnects cities or states. |
Wide Area Network (WAN) |
101 |
Bit rate of WANs. |
1.5 Mbps-2.4 Gbps |
102 |
Provides connects between countries around the entire globe. |
Global Area Network (GANs) |
103 |
A network connection that normally carries traffic between departmental LANs within a single company. |
Building Backbone |
104 |
A network connection used to carry traffic to and from LANs located in various buildings on campus. |
Campus Backbone |
105 |
Developed by Department of Defense, comprise of several interactive modules that provide specific functionality. |
TCP/IP Protocol Suite |
106 |
The network layer of TCP/IP. |
Internet layer/ Internet work Layer |
107 |
Transport layer of TCP/IP. |
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) User datagram Protocol (UDP) |
108 |
Provides a means of physically delivering data packets using frames or cells. |
Network Access Layer |
109 |
Contains information that pertains to how data can be routed through the network. |
Internet Layer |
110 |
Services the process and internet layers to handle the reliability and session aspects of data transmission. |
Host-to-Host Layer |
111 |
Provides applications support. |
Process Layer |
112 |
Defines a three layer logical hierarchy that specifies where things belong, how they fit together and what functions go where. Three layers: · Core layer · Distribution layer · access layer |
Cisco Three-Layer Model |
113 |
The core of the network as it resides at the top of the hierarchy and is responsible for transporting large amounts of data traffic reliably and quickly. |
Core Layer |
114 |
The communications point between the access and the core layer that provides routing, filtering, WAN access and how data packets are allowed to access the core layer. |
Distribution Layer |
115 |
Another term for Distribution layer. |
Workgroup Layer |
116 |
Controls workgroup and individual user access to internetworking resources. |
Access Layer |
117 |
Another term for Access layer. |
Desktop Layer |
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