This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 6 of the Series in Engineering Mechanics as one of the General Engineering and Applied Sciences (GEAS) topic. In Preparation for the ECE Board Exam make sure to expose yourself and familiarize in each and every questions compiled here taken from various sources including past Board Questions in General Engineering and Applied Sciences (GEAS), Engineering Mechanics Books, Journals and other Engineering Mechanics References.
Online Questions and Answers in Engineering Mechanics Series
Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:
Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part VI of the Series
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.
251. Addition which is followed by the parallelogram law described by the figure.
- a) resolution of the vector
- b) addition of the vector
- c) equilibrium equation for a particle
- d) particle
252. An object with inertia but of negligible dimension.
- a) resolution of the vector
- b) addition of the vector
- c) equilibrium equation for a particle
- d) particle
253. A particle is in equilibrium if the resultant of all forces acting on the particle is equal to zero.
- a) resolution of the vector
- b) addition of the vector
- c) equilibrium equation for a particle
- d) particle
254. In a rectangular coordinate system the equilibrium equations can be represented by three scalar equations.
- a) equilibrium equation in component form
- b) free body diagram
- c) string or cable
- d) linear spring
255. A mechanical device that can only transmit a tensile force along itself.
- a) equilibrium equation in component form
- b) free body diagram
- c) string or cable
- d) linear spring
256. A mechanical device that can which exerts a force along its line of its action and proportional to its extension.
- a) equilibrium equation in component form
- b) free body diagram
- c) string or cable
- d) linear spring
257. The tension in the cable is the same on both sides of the pulley.
- a) frictionless pulley
- b) static equilibrium for a rigid body]
- c) newton’s 3rd law
- d) composite bodies and external source
258. Each action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
- a) frictionless pulley
- b) static equilibrium for a rigid body]
- c) newton’s 3rd law
- d) composite bodies and external source
259. Forces and couples which are a result of interaction between one part of an object and another part of it will not appear in the free body diagram of the whole object.
- a) frictionless pulley
- b) static equilibrium for a rigid body
- c) newton’s 3rd law
- d) composite bodies and external source
260. Each force or couple putted on a free diagram represents a model of how a body is affected by its surroundings.
- a) a two force member
- b) a three force member
- c) forces and couples of a free body
- d) truss
261. It is a structure made of two force members all pin is connected to each other.
- a) a two force member
- b) a three force member
- c) forces and couples of a free body
- d) truss
262. A body which has forces applied onto it at only two points and no couples applied onto it at all.
- a) a two force member
- b) a three force member
- c) forces and couples of a free body
- d) truss
263. A body which has forces applied onto it at only three points and no couples applied onto it at all.
- a) a two force member
- b) a three force member
- c) forces and couples of a free body
- d) truss
264. This method uses the free body diagram of joints in the structure to determine the forces in each member.
- a) method of joints
- b) the method of sections
- c) zero force member
- d) a redundant joint
265. This method uses free body diagrams of sections of the truss to obtain unknown forces.
- a) method of joints
- b) the method of sections
- c) zero force member
- d) a redundant joint
266. Some members in the truss which cannot carry load.
- a) method of joints
- b) the method of sections
- c) zero force member
- d) a redundant joint
267. In the free diagram load is directly transmitted from each member to the one opposite without any interaction.
- a) method of joints
- b) the method of sections
- c) zero force member
- d) a redundant joint
268. this members must be removed from the truss,otherwise one will have a insufficient number of equations.
- a) redundant members
- b) mechanism
- c) curved members
- d) none of the above
269. Sometimes there is too much freedom in a structure, the following structure cannot carry load since it will collapse under the load.
- a) redundant members
- b) mechanism
- c) curved members
- d) none of the above
270. Two forces acting on a two force member are along the line connecting the two points on which the loads are applied.
- a) redundant members
- b) mechanism
- c) curved members
- d) none of the above
271. A general triangular object which is placed between two objects to either hold them in place or is used to move one relative to the other.
- a) screw
- b) self locking screw
- c) frames
- d) wedges
272. It is a combination of a two wedges obtain from the opening the helical treads..
- a) screw
- b) self locking screw
- c) frames
- d) wedges
273. If the lead angle is selected such that in the absence of a screwing moment.
- a) screw
- b) self locking screw
- c) frames
- d) wedges
274. Is the second moment of area around a given axis.
- a) area moment of inertia
- b) radius of gyration
- c) parallel axis theorem
- d) none of the above
275. Can be calculated if we have a rectangular coordinate system,one can define the area moment of inertial around the axis.
- a) area moment of inertia
- b) radius of gyration
- c) parallel axis theorem
- d) none of the above
276. It is the distance away from the axis that all the area can be concentrated to result in the same moment of inertia.
- a) area moment of inertia
- b) radius of gyration
- c) parallel axis theorem
- d) none of the above
277. The explicit form of the laws of mechanics depend on this and is used to reference the motions.
- a) euler’s law
- b) linear momentum of particle
- c) linear momentum of a body
- d) inertial frame
278. Law which governs the motion for a rigid body
- a) euler’s law
- b) linear momentum of particle
- c) linear momentum of a body
- d) inertial frame
279. For a single particle of mass its linear momentum by its mass times its velocity.
- a) euler’s law
- b) linear momentum of particle
- c) linear momentum of a body
- d) inertial frame
280. Is assumed to be the sum of the linear momentum of its particles.
- a) euler’s law
- b) linear momentum of particle
- c) linear momentum of a body
- d) inertial frame
281. For a particle of mass is defined as the moment of linear momentum around the point.
- a) angular momentum of a rigid body
- b) angular momentum of a particle
- c) angular velocity
- d) angular acceleration
282. A vector itself which has a magnitude equal to the rate of rotation.
- a) angular momentum of a rigid body
- b) angular momentum of a particle
- c) angular velocity
- d) angular acceleration
283. Is the rate of change of the angular velocity with respect to time.
- a) angular momentum of a rigid body
- b) angular momentum of a particle
- c) angular velocity
- d) angular acceleration
284. When two surface come into contact forces are applied by each other surface on the other.
- a) friction force
- b) kinetic friction
- c) static friction
- d) pending motion
285. The frictional forces that can result between two surfaces slide relative to each other.
- a) friction force
- b) kinetic friction
- c) static friction
- d) pending motion
286. The frictional forces that can result when two surfaces are sliding to each other is proportional to the normal force applied on the surface.
- a) friction force
- b) kinetic friction
- c) static friction
- d) pending motion
287. Refers to the state just before surfaces start to slip.
- a) friction force
- b) kinetic friction
- c) static friction
- d) pending motion
288. Is a method for predicting failure of a structure containing a crack.
- a) fracture mechanics
- b) continuum mechanics
- c) deformation mechanics
- d) fluid mechanics
289. The study of deformations typically in the elastic range.
- a) fracture mechanics
- b) continuum mechanics
- c) deformation mechanics
- d) fluid mechanics ans.c
290. It is the study on how fluids react to forces.
- a) fracture mechanics
- b) continuum mechanics
- c) deformation mechanics
- d) fluid mechanics
291. A method of applying mechanics that assumes all objects are continuous.
- a) fracture mechanics
- b) continuum mechanics
- c) deformation mechanics
- d) fluid mechanics
292. Under this condition the forces or vectors are transformed into a polygon.
- a) directional condition
- b) analytical condition
- c) hydraulics
- d) graphical condition
293. If three or more non-parallel forces or vectors are in equilibrium they must be concurrent.
- a) directional condition
- b) analytical condition
- c) hydraulics
- d) graphical condition
294. If forces or vectors are in equilibrium then it must satisfy the three static equations.
- a) directional condition
- b) analytical condition
- c) hydraulics
- d) graphical condition
295. It is the application of fluid mechanics in engineering.
- a) directional condition
- b) analytical condition
- c) hydraulics
- d) graphical condition
296. When the loading is uniformly distributed horizontally the cable is analyzed as.
- a) parabolic cable
- b) catenary
- c) projectile
- d) rotation
297. When the loading is distributed along the cable the cable is analyzed as
- a) parabolic cable
- b) catenary
- c) projectile
- d) rotation ans.b
298. Is one whose action is not confined to or associated with a unique line in space.
- a) sliding vector
- b) free vector
- c) fixed vector
- d) none of the above
299. Is one for which a unique line in space must be maintained along which the quantity acts.
- a) sliding vector
- b) free vector
- c) fixed vector
- d) none of the above
300. Is one which a unique point of application is specified and therefore the vector occupies a particular position in space.
- a) sliding vector
- b) free vector
- c) fixed vector
- d) none of the above
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