Coaching Materials in Broadcasting Part 2 for ECE Board Exam

Compiled coaching materials in Broadcasting Part 2 as one topic in ECE Board Exam taken from different sources including but not limited to Communications books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet.

Coaching Materials in Broadcasting

This is the Coaching materials in Broadcasting Part 2 as one topic in ECE Board Exam taken from various sources including but not limited to past Board Examination Questions in Electronic System and Technologies (EST), Communications Books, Journals and other Communications References. This particular Coaching Notes in Communications Engineering has random Questions and Answers in random topics. Make sure to familiarize this review notes to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.

Broadcasting Coaching Materials Part 2

56. The final amplifier of either FM or AM transmitter is operated as

Class C

57. Standard AM broadcasting use _____ for greater and efficient coverage.

vertical polarized wave antenna

58. Receiver sensitivity means

the ability of picking up weak signal.

59. The main function of the RF amplifier in a superheterodyne receiver is to

improve the rejection of the image frequency.

60. Local oscillator of a broadcast receiver always tunes to a frequency _____ than the incoming frequency in order _____.

Higher --- to allow adequate frequency coverage without switching

61. Which of the following is the first component of any MATV system to receive broadcast signals?


62. It is the most common technique where apartment houses, hotels, schools, condominiums, and multi-unit buildings distribute TV and FM signals to a number of receivers, using a single head-end.


63. Interlacing is used in television to

avoid flicker.

64. A mechanism or device which enables the TV camera to move in lateral and tilting motion

Pan/tilt device

65. Which of the following is a solid state imaging device?

Charge couple device

66. What class of TV camera lens used to cover short distances?

Wide angle

67. What class of TV camera lens used to cover long distances?


68. What is the chroma subcarrier signal frequency for color television?

3.8 MHz

69. The aspect ratio of HDTV is


70. Television has a lot of features in common with

motion picture.

71. The major component of the TV signal waveform is the


72. For NTSC TV system, the image is scanned from

top to bottom and left to right

73. What is the horizontal synchronous/blanking pulse rate?

15.75 Hz

74. What is the vertical blanking pulse rate?


75. The pulses riding on the vertical blanking pulse.

Equalizing (sync) pulses and serrated vertical sync pulses.

76. Television camera pickup tube is called

vidicon, image orthicon, plumbicon

77. The television picture tube magnetic fields can be used for

beam focusing and beam deflection

78. Indicate which voltages are not found in the output of a normal monochrome receiver video detector.


79. Video modulation for television is

both amplitude modulation and vestigial sideband

80. What is the maximum frequency deviation for audio modulation in TV transmission?

25 kHz

81. The video carrier and the audio carrier are separated by

4.5 MHz.

82. In a practical image scanned at the NTSC rate, the spectrum will include components clustered at the fundamentals and harmonics of

15.75 Hz.

83. Brightness of an image is known as


84. The colors at the vertices of the color triangle are referred to as


85. A newscast is a distinct unit of a program with a minimum news content of _____ excluding intro, extro, headline and commercial load.

1 minute

86. In accordance with existing provision of law and the KBP rules and regulations, all stations shall actively promote the growth and the development of Filipino music by playing ____ every clock hour.


87. KBP radio code mandates that station must provide a minimum of _____ of news per day from 5:00 in the morning to 10:00 in the evening.

45 minutes

88. What are the three separate signals derived from a matrix in a color TV transmitter?

Y,I, and Q.

89. Range of a VHF television transmitter.

54-98 MHz

90. Range of a UHF television transmitter

470-890 MHz

91. What is the approximate bandwidth occupied by the chrominance video signal for color TV?

1.8 MHz

92. Commercial load for radio shall not exceed _____ for one hour program in Metro Manila.

15 minutes

93. Commercial load for radio shall not exceed _____ for a one hour program outside Metro Manila.

17 minutes

94. Program interruption for the airing of commercial in Metro Manila shall not exceed _____ breaks every program hour.


95. Program interruption for the airing of commercial outside Metro Manila shall not exceed _____ breaks in every program hour.


96. The colors found around the perimeter of the color triangle are said to be


97. What is the phase difference between the I and Q color signal carriers?

90 degrees

98. The carrier transmitted 1.25MHz above the bottom frequency in a United States TV Channel is the

picture carrier

99. ______ is the most effective filter for separating luminance and chrominance frequency components.


100. The chrominance processing circuits can be deactivated when monochrome broadcasts are received by the

color killer

101. What is the standard video level, in percent PEV, for blanking?


102. What is the standard video level, in percent PEV, for black?


103. What is the standard video level, in percent PEV, for white?


104. One should first perform ______ before a convergence setup is performed.


105. For Metro Manila, the classification of primetime blocks for FM shall be

6:00AM to 8:00 PM

106. For provincial stations, the classification of primetime blocks for FM radio shall be

6:00AM to 8:00 PM

107. All airtime classifications shall be submitted to and subject for approval by the


108. What is the frequency tolerance of an FM Radio Broadcast station?

±2000 Hz

109. The minimum frequency separation between frequency of AM broadcasting station

36 kHz

110. If there are too harmonics, one should check the

coupling, tuning of circuits, shielding

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