Coaching Materials in Digital and Data Communications Part 4 for ECE Board Exam

Compiled coaching materials in Digital and Data Communications Part 4 as one topic in ECE Board Exam taken from different sources including but not limited to Communications books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet.

Coaching Materials in Digital and Data Communications

This is the Coaching materials in Digital and Data Communications Part 4 as one topic in ECE Board Exam taken from various sources including but not limited to past Board Examination Questions in Electronic System and Technologies (EST), Communications Books, Journals and other Communications References. This particular Coaching Notes in Communications Engineering has random Questions and Answers in random topics. Make sure to familiarize this review notes to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.

Digital and Data Communications Coaching Materials Part 4

205. The total information processed of a system.

Throughput *

206. Transmission rates of synchronous modems

2400 bps to 56,000 bps

207. Communication system where transmit and receive clock free-run at approximately the same speed.

Asynchronous *

208. What protocol can achieve code transparency with flags?

Bit-oriental protocol *

209. Characters transmitted other than data.

Overhead *

210. A start bit is normally

logic 0 *

211. In data communications circuits, synchronous data format is used to achieve what type of synchronization?

Bit *

212. Type of synchronization where in the beginning and end of a character code is identified.

Character synchronization *

213. What do you call a text code that makes use of 16-bit long code words?

Unicode *

214. Function of data link control that specifies the means of detecting and correcting transmission errors

error control

215. Error-detection protocol that uses the checksum method.

Xmodem *

216. It is how the primary designates the secondary as a designation of recipient of data.


217. Classification of protocol that interprets a frame of data as a group of successive bit combined into predetermined pattern of fixed length, usually 8 bits each.

Character-oriented protocols or Byte-oriented protocols

218. The first file transfer protocol designed to facilitate transferring data between two personal computers over the public switched telephone network.

Xmodem protocol

219. The circuit switch is a _____ switch.


220. A form of switching which is store and forward.

Message switching

221. A form of switching which is hold and forward.

Packing switching

222. It is logically equivalent to making telephone call through the DDD network except no direct end-to-end connection is made

Virtual call

223. Packets which is self-contained and travels through the network independent of other packets of the same message by whatever means available.


224. A service provided by B-ISDN provider that offers a bi-directional end-to-end data transmission in real time.

conversational service *

225. Uses connecting medium as a multi-channel device.

Broadband transmission *

226. In asynchronous transfer mode cell format, the ______ indicates the mode source and packet destination.

Virtual channel identifier *

227. The ISDN channel B designates _____.

Bearer of Bearer of data

228. The ISDN channel D designates _____ which contains control information.


229. The Basic Rate Interface (BRI) of ISDN has a total bit rate or ____.

192 kbps

230. The primary rate interface consists of _____.

23B + D channels; 1.544 Mbps (US, Canada, Japan and Korea)

30B + D channel; 2.048 Mbps (Europe)

231. What is the minimum frame length for a 10-base 5 with a maximum segment length of 500 meters with a maximum of five segments.

512 bits

232. CSMA stands for:

Carrier Sense Multiple Access *

233. The Internet is:

a network of networks *

234. Dumb terminals are still used:

in networks requiring central monitoring *

235. In a circuit-switched network:

each channel carries only one data stream *

236. On networks, long messages are divided into “chunks” called:

packets *

237. When two or more PCs try to access a baseband network cable at the same time, it is called:


238. One type of network that never has a collision is:

token-passing *

239. In an Ethernet-based network, a switch can be used to reduce the number of:

Collisions *

240. The effect of too many collisions is:

the network slows down *

241. MAU stands for:

Multistation Access Unit *

242. The standard that describes Ethernet-type networks is:

IEEE 802.3

243. Ethernet was invented by:


244. Ethernet is a baseband transmission system designed by _____

Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs

245. In data communication, the T in 10BaseT represents _____.

The type of cable used *

246. The cable mostly used by the 10 and 100 Mbps Ethernet installation.


247. Ethernet Standard that is sometimes called “frozen yellow garden hose”


248. An Ethernet running at 10Mbits /second uses:

Manchester encoding *

249. Data transfer uses handshaking principle.

Synchronous Data Transfer *

250. Data transfer scheme that used handshaking.

Synchronous data transfer scheme *

251. Ethernet access method is ______.


252. Rate of Ethernet CSMH/CD.

10 Mbps *

253. A 100BaseT cable uses:

twisted-pair copper wires *

254. The work “Base” in 10BaseT means:

the cable carriers baseband signals *

255. 10BaseT cable typically uses:

an RJ45 connector *

256. A hub:

sends incoming packets out to all other terminals connected to it *

257. A switch:

sends incoming packets out to specific ports *

258. An advantage of using a switch instead of a hub is:

it reduces the number of collisions in large networks *

259. Using one node in the network to hold all the application software is done in:

client-server networks *

260. The software that runs a client-server network must be:

Multitasking b *

261. A “thin” client is:

basically a PC with no disk drives *

262. Packet switching is based on:

store-and-forward *

263. SNA stands for:

Systems Network Architectures *

264. Bad frames are usually detected by the:

link layer *

265. Together, TCP/IP consists of:

5 layers *

266. The “lifetime” of a packet in an IP network:

depends on number of “hops” between nodes *

267. UPD stands for:

User Datagram Protocol *

268. HTTP stand for:

Hypertext Transport Protocol *

269. HTTP allows the use of:

Browsers *

270. HTML stands for:

Hypertext Markup Language *

271. HTML allows:

web page layout *

272. FTP us used to:

transfer files between a server on the network and user *

273. SMTP stands for:

Simple Mail Transport Protocol *

274. A DNS:

translates word to numbers *

275. An internet connected to the Internet is often protected by:

a “firewall” *

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