Frenzel Self-test in Data Communications

Frenzel Self-test in Data Communications from the book COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONICS by Louis E. Frenzel. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions.

Frenzel Self-test in Data Communications
This is the Self-test in Chapter 12: Data Communications from the book COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONICS by Louis E. Frenzel. If you are looking for a reviewer in Communications Engineering this will definitely help. I can assure you that this will be a great help in reviewing the book in preparation for your Board Exam. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.

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Direction: Either Supply the missing word(s) in each statement  or Choose the letter that best answers each question.

1. Data communications is the transmission of _____ information.

2. True or false. Audio and video signals may be transmitted using data communications techniques.

3. The earliest form of data communications was the _____.

4. The earliest form of radio data communications is known as _____.

5. The Morse code is made up of combinations of _____ and _____ to represent characters.

6. Give the Morse code for the following characters (see Fig. 12-2): K, 8, ,. (page 310-Frenzel)

7. The 5-bit code used in teletype systems is called the _____ code.

8. A system of data communications using type writer like devices to send and receive coded messages is known as _____.

9. If in the Baudot code the character 11011 is sent and then the code 00111, the character _____ is received.

10. The most widely used binary data code is _____ which uses 7 bits to represent characters.

11. An 8-bit data code used in IBM systems is known as _____.

12. Write the ASCII codes for the following characters: B, 3, ?

13. What ASCII character is transmitted to ring a bell? BEL = _____.

14. The two types of data transmission are _____.

15. True or false. Serial data transfers are faster than parallel transfers.

16. The digital circuit often used to perform parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel data conversions is the _____

17. In asynchronous transmissions, _____ and _____ bits are used to signal the beginning and end of a character.

18. The speed of a serial data transmission is usually expressed in _____.

19. The number of symbols occurring per second in a data transmission is called the _____.

20. True or false. There can be more than i bit per baud in data transmissions.

21. True or false. Asynchronous transmission is faster than synchronous transmission.

22. In synchronous data transmission, data is sent in _____ of characters with special codes to signal the beginning and end.

23. In serial data transmission, a binary 0 is called a(n) _____ and a binary 1 is called a(n) _____.

24. The study of efficient information transfer is known as _____.

25. The amount of information transmitted is proportional to the system _____ and the _____ allowed for transmission.

26. The channel capacity of a 5-kHz bandwidth binary system is _____ bits/s assuming no noise.

27. If an 8-level encoding scheme is used in a 100 kHz bandwidth system, the channel capacity is _____ bits/s.

28. True or false. Multilevel or multi-symbol binary encoding schemes permit more data to be transmitted in less time, assuming a constant symbol interval.

29. By using a multi-symbol encoding scheme, a higher bit rate can' be achieved with _____ (more, less) bandwidth.

30. The channel capacity of a 6-MHz channel with an SIN ratio of 25 dB is _____ Mbits/s.

31. The minimum allowable bandwidth for a binary signal with a bit rate of 200 kbits/s is _____ kHz.

32. A modem contains both _____ and _____ circuits.

33. Modems convert _____ signals to _____ signals and vice versa.

34. The transmission medium most widely used with modems is the _____.

35. Modems are the interface between _____.

36. _____ modulation is used in low speed modems.

37. In FSK, binary 0 and I levels are represented by different _____.

38. In an FSKs modem, a high frequency represents a(n) _____ and a low frequency represents a(n) _____.

39. The typical frequencies used in a full duplex FSK modem are as follows:

  • originate 0 _____ Hz and 1 _____ Hz;
  • answer 0 _____ Hz and 1 _____ Hz.

40. The IC used to perform serial-to-parallel and parallel-to-serial conversions and other operations in a modem is known as a(n) _____.

41. The modulation method that represents bits as different phase shifts of a carrier is known as _____.

42. In BPSK, phase shifts of _____ degrees and _____ degrees used to represent bif\ary 0 and binary 1, respectively.

43. The circuit used to produce BPSK is a(n) _____.

44. The circuit-used to demodulate BPSK is a(n) _____.

45. A(n) _____ circuit is used to generate the carrier to be used in demodulating a BPSK signal.

46. A carrier recovery circuit is not needed with _____ PSK modulation.

47. The key circuit used in a DPSK modulator is the _____.

48. The number of different phase shifts used in QPSK is _____.

49. In QPSK, how many bits are represented by each phase shift?

50. The number of bits represented by each phase shift in 16-PSK is _____.

51. The circuit used to create a dibit is known as a(n) _____.

52. A circuit that converts a 2-bit binary code into one of four dc voltage levels is known as a _____.

53. Quadrature amplitude modulation is a combination of _____ modulation and _____ modulation.

54. True or false. Modems must transmit signals in the 300-Hz to 3-kHz range.

55. True or false. Carrier recovery is not required in a QPSK demodulator.

56. True or false. When QPSK is used, the bit rate is faster than the baud (symbol) rate.

57. True or false. Each phase and/or amplitude change can represent only one bit.

58. True or false. With QAM, a 9600 bits/s signal can be transmitted within a 3000-Hz bandwidth.

59. Rules and procedures that describe how data will be transmitted and received are referred to as _____.

60. List five methods of error detection and correction.

61. The process of exchanging signals between transmitter and receiver to indicate status or availability is called _____.

62. A popular protocol used in personal computer data communications is known as _____.

63. A string of characters making up a message or part of a message is referred to as a(n) _____ of data.

64. Stop and start bits are used with, _____ (asynchronous, synchronous) data.

65. Synchronous protocols usually begin with the _____ character.

66. The characters that indicate message number, destination, or other facts are collectively referred to as the _____.

67. The _____ character designates the beginning of a message, while the character _____ indicates its end.

68. One simple but time-consuming way to ensure an error-free transmission is to send the data multiple times. This is called _____.

69. One type of special self checking error code is the _____ code.

70. Errors in data transmission are usually caused by _____.

71. The ratio of the number of bit errors to the total number of bits transmitted is known as the _____.

72. A bit added to the transmitted character to help indicate an error is called the _____ bit.

73. A number added to the end of a data block to assist in detecting errors is known as the _____

74. Write the correct parity bits for each number.

  • a. Odd: 0011000 _____
  • b. Even: 1111101 _____
  • c. Odd: 0101101 _____
  • d. Even: 1000110 _____

75. Another name for parity is _____.

76. The basic building block of a parity generator circuit is the _____ gate.

77. Performing an exclusive OR on corresponding bits in successive data words produces a(n) word.

78. An error-detection system that uses a BCC at the end of a block is known as a(n) _____.

79. Dividing the data block by a constant produces a quotient that is discarded and a remainder called the _____ character.

80. The CRC circuit is basically a(n) _____.

81. True or false. If a bit error cart be identified, it can be corrected.

82. The telephone system is an example of a _____.

83. True or false. A cable TV system is considered a network.

84. Most networks re smaller and cover shorter distances and are referred to as _____.

85. The acronym PBX means _____.

86. True or false. PBXs cannot be used with digital data.

87. The three main types of LAN topologies are _____.

88. A PBX is a type of _____ topology LAN.

89. An LAN that uses a central controller for multiple stations is the _____ topology.

90. One type of LAN connects multiple terminals and PCs to a large central _____ computer.

91. A LAN in which the message is passed from one station to the next until the destination is reached is called a(n) _____.

92. The stations or users in a network are referred to as _____.

93. A network in which all stations attach to a common cable is called a(n) _____.

94. 94: The fastest network configuration is the _____.

95. In a(n) _____ LAN configuration, if one station fails, the whole system fails.

96. A connection from a LAN to a mainframe computer is known as a(n) _____.

97. A connection from one LAN to another is called a(n), _____.

98. The three transmission media used in LANs are _____.

99. An extended variation of the bus topology is called the _____.

100. List the three main disadvantages of twisted pair cable.

101. _____ is the most widely used medium in LANs.

102. The medium that permits the highest data rates is _____.

103. The longest transmission distances can be achieved with _____ medium.

104. Give the average maximum data rates in Mbits/s for each medium: twisted pair, coax, fiber-optic cable.

105. The digital, voice, or video voltages are referred to as _____ signals.

106. When the basic data signal is sent directly over the medium, the type of operation is said to be _____.

107. _____ operation uses modulation techniques and FDM techniques to increase speed and the number of operational channels.

108. Broadband operation requires the use of a(n) _____ at each node.

109. Spread spectrum is both a _____ and a _____ technique.

110. The two main types of spread spectrum are _____ and _____.

111. In a frequency-hopping SS system, a _____ circuit generates the transmitter frequency.

112. In a frequency-hopping SS system, a _____ circuit selects the frequency produced by the synthesizer.

113. True or false. The hop rate is slower than the bit rate of the digital data.

114. To a narrowband receiver, an SS signal appears as a type of _____.

115. Two or more stations using SS and sharing a common band are identified and distinguished from one another by their unique _____.

116. The length of time a frequency-hopping SS transmitter stays on one frequency is called the _____.

117. In a direct-sequence SS transmitter, the data signal is mixed with a PSN signal in an _____ circuit.

118. True or false. In a direct-sequence SS system, the chip rate is faster than the data rate.

119. The type of modulation used with direct sequence SS is usually _____.

120. The most difficult part of SS communications is initiating and maintaining _____ prior to and during transmission.

121. The process of comparing one direct sequence SS signal to another in an effort to obtain a match is called _____.

122. The two main benefits of SS are _____ and _____.

123. The main circuit used in making a PSN code generator is a _____.

124. The frequencies allocated to spread spectrum by the FCC for civilian applications are _____, _____, and _____ MHz.

125. Two growing applications for SS are _____ and _____.

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