Chapter 1: Applications of Television - Grob TV End Chapter Exercise

Chapter end exercise in Chapter 1: Applications of Television - Grob TV as one of the Electronics Engineering topic in ECE Board Exam.

Chapter 1: Applications of Television

This is the Chapter 1: Applications of Television end chapter exercise in Basic Television - Grob TV as one of the Electronics Engineering topic. In Preparation for the ECE Board Exam make sure to expose yourself and familiarize in each and every questions compiled here taken from various sources including but not limited to past Board Exam Questions in Electronics Engineering field, Electronics Books, Journals and other Electronics References.

Start Grob TV End Chapter Exercise 01

Answers are Underlined

Chapter 1

Applications of Television


  • a. A picture tube is similar to a loudspeaker.
  • b. The two Baseband signals are video and audio.
  • c. Video signals have a higher frequency compared to audio signals.


  • a. The vidicon is a camera tube.
  • b. The chroma subcarrier signal frequency is 3.58 MHz.
  • c. The frequency in TV channel 2 broadcast is 54 - 60 MHz.
  • d. The maximum beam current in the picture tube is for white in the picture.


What are the abbreviations for the following types of equipment?

  • a. Special-effects generator. SEG
  • b. Studio-transmitter link. STL
  • c. Electronic newsgathering. ENG


  • a. Rotating heads increase the writing speed for video recording. T
  • b. The type C video recorder produces two slanted tracks on the tape for each picture field. T


  • a. TV channel receiver set for cable input in a 36-channel system is 3, 4 or 6.
  • b. The head end feed the trunk.
  • c. The line drop is at the subscriber branch.


  • a. Facsimile is an example of slow-scan TV.
  • b. Facsimile pictures generate low video frequency, compared with those for TV broadcasting. T
  • c. An infrared vidicon camera tube can show difference of temperature in the scene. T


  • a. The channel 3 signal is a modulated RF signal.
  • b. The maximum RF signal at the antenna input terminals from a video game is 3 mV.


  • a. A modern unit has two functions: modulation and demodulation. T
  • b. The ASCII code uses 128 combinations of 7 bits for alphanumeric information. T


  • a. The Flyback high voltage depends on horizontal scanning.
  • b. AFC is used for horizontal synchronization.
  • c. Channel 14 is a UHF channel.

Matching Type:


1. Vidicon

2. Baseband signal

3. TV channel bandwidth

4. Channel 2 frequencies

5. Amplitude modulation

6. Frequency modulation

7. Picture frames per second

8. Horizontal lines per frame

9. Cable television

10. Special-effects generator

11. Channel 3 or 4

12. Infrared TV

13. Facsimile

14. Coaxial cable impedance

15. Chroma signal

16. Byte

17. Intercarrier frequency

18. Anode high voltage

- Camera tube

- Video signal

- 6 MHz

- 54 to 60 MHz

- RF picture carrier signal

- RF sound carrier signal

- 30

- 525

- Head end


- VCR RF output

- Closed-circuit TV

- Slow-scan TV

- 75 ohms

- 3.58 MHz

- 8 bits

- 4.5 MHz

- Brightness

Complete List of Basic Television - Grob TV Chapter Exercises

SEE ALSO: MCQs in Basic Television - Grob TV

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