Start Grob TV End Chapter Exercise 01
Answers are Underlined
Chapter 1
Applications of Television
- a. A picture tube is similar to a loudspeaker.
- b. The two Baseband signals are video and audio.
- c. Video signals have a higher frequency compared to audio signals.
- a. The vidicon is a camera tube.
- b. The chroma subcarrier signal frequency is 3.58 MHz.
- c. The frequency in TV channel 2 broadcast is 54 - 60 MHz.
- d. The maximum beam current in the picture tube is for white in the picture.
What are the abbreviations for the following types of equipment?
- a. Special-effects generator. SEG
- b. Studio-transmitter link. STL
- c. Electronic newsgathering. ENG
- a. Rotating heads increase the writing speed for video recording. T
- b. The type C video recorder produces two slanted tracks on the tape for each picture field. T
- a. TV channel receiver set for cable input in a 36-channel system is 3, 4 or 6.
- b. The head end feed the trunk.
- c. The line drop is at the subscriber branch.
- a. Facsimile is an example of slow-scan TV.
- b. Facsimile pictures generate low video frequency, compared with those for TV broadcasting. T
- c. An infrared vidicon camera tube can show difference of temperature in the scene. T
- a. The channel 3 signal is a modulated RF signal.
- b. The maximum RF signal at the antenna input terminals from a video game is 3 mV.
- a. A modern unit has two functions: modulation and demodulation. T
- b. The ASCII code uses 128 combinations of 7 bits for alphanumeric information. T
- a. The Flyback high voltage depends on horizontal scanning.
- b. AFC is used for horizontal synchronization.
- c. Channel 14 is a UHF channel.
Matching Type:
1. Vidicon 2. Baseband signal 3. TV channel bandwidth 4. Channel 2 frequencies 5. Amplitude modulation 6. Frequency modulation 7. Picture frames per second 8. Horizontal lines per frame 9. Cable television 10. Special-effects generator 11. Channel 3 or 4 12. Infrared TV 13. Facsimile 14. Coaxial cable impedance 15. Chroma signal 16. Byte 17. Intercarrier frequency 18. Anode high voltage |
- Camera tube - Video signal - 6 MHz - 54 to 60 MHz - RF picture carrier signal - RF sound carrier signal - 30 - 525 - Head end - SEG - VCR RF output - Closed-circuit TV - Slow-scan TV - 75 ohms - 3.58 MHz - 8 bits - 4.5 MHz - Brightness |
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