Electronics Engineering Review Materials: Section 2 Module 13

This is the Section 2 Module 13 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet.

Electronics Review Materials: Section 2 Module 13

This is the Section 2 Module 13 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet. This particular reviewer in Electronics Engineering has random Questions and Answers in random topics. Make sure to familiarize each questions to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.

Electronics Engineering Reviewers: Section 2 Module 13

1. An optoisolator consists of – LED and Photo diodes

2. It is a logic gate which is used as an odd parity checker – XOR Gate

3. It is a logic gate where the output is 0 when both inputs are 0 – OR Gate

4. When 1.2 Henries is needed, it is best to use – Ferromagnetic pot core

5. Selenium is best seen in - Photocells

6. Lead Acid Batteries can be seen in – an interruptible power supply

7. Colpitts is what circuit – Oscillator

8. Type of welding where tip of electrode and base of metal are melted – SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding)

9. Highest input resistance configuration – Common Collector

10. Component with highest input impedance – MOSFET

11. Simple Half wave rectifies has a minimum number of diodes – 1 diode

12. Advantage of full wave rectifier over half wave rectifiers – full rectification

13. Class A amplifiers conduct how many degrees of the input – 360 degrees

14. A Purely resistive network has – zero reactance

15. For capacitive reactance, as frequency goes down, the reactance – becomes more and more negative

16. EMF is not varied if – magnetic force and coil is moving at the same velocity

17. Proton mass is how many times the electron mass – 1836

18. Distribution of electrons in an atom - Electron configuration

19. To make an N-type material – add donor impurity

20. Computer monitors and printers are – Output Devices

21. Image resolution is important in – computer monitors

22. Advantage of laser printer over dot matrix printer – greater image quality

23. Amount of current in 1 coulomb of charge passing through a point in 1 sec – 1A

24. (S+N/N) is seen in …. – sensitivity

25. Oscilloscope capable of storing – storage oscilloscope

26. Force between ferromagnetic material and magnet – never repulsive

27. Motor best suited for heavy loads – Polyphase Motors

28. Motor with highest torque – series motor

29. Comparator with hysteresis – Schmitt trigger

30. Oscillating frequency in wien bridge is determined by – 1/2Ï€RC

31. To prevent interelectrode capacitance – wire leads must be kept short

32. In a six pole alternator what speed is required to produce 60Hz – 1200 rpm

33. Allowed to move bend reach – manipulator

34. The difference of the reference and feedback signal – actuating signal

35. The direct input signal independent of output – command signal

36. Converts light to dc signal in robotics – vision system

37. In bipolar transistors, the output electrode is – collector

38. High component density in IC - greater speed

39. Which is not an advantage of IC – lower gain

40. IC is composed of – Monolithic

41. Best to keep voltage ripple low – multiple LC circuits

42. The maximum reverse bias voltage in diodes – peak reverse voltage

43. Center tapped transformers – balanced windings

44. Is used to slightly vary the frequency in crystals – connect varactor in parallel

45. Synchronization pulses – prevents “rolling” & “folding” & “tearing”

46. Advantage of magnetic disks over magnetic tapes – stores and retrieves files faster

47. Four arm ac…… inductance to standard capacitance – Maxwell bridge

48. Thermal …. Electric …. Proportional to absolute temperature – wiedemann’s franz law

49. When two perfect sine waves with same amplitudes but opposite in phase is added – results in 0 amplitude

50. Frequency multiplication in diodes is possible because it is – nonlinear

51. Step up transformers are defined as having – secondary voltage greater than the primary voltage

52. If primary voltage is quadrupled, the turns ratio of primary to secondary impedance is – 1:16

53. Utility meter is used to measure – KW/Hr

54. ………………………….. – crystal growth

55. Power Source is needed for – ommeter

56. When you want to measure direct current using the ammeter – connect it in series

57. Ideal internal resistance of ammeter – 0

58. When adding wrist to robot arm in manipulator – add 3 degrees of freedom

59. Using 1000 ohm, 1W resistor to create 500 ohms and 7W – we connect 4 sets of 2 connected in series and the 4 connected in parallel

60. Advantage of high voltage against low voltage in long range transmission is – less I2R Loss

61. Magnetic Field is – perpendicular to the flow of current

62. The unit of magnetic field is in – Maxwell

63. Resistance of the creation of magnetic flux – reluctance

64. Converts light to DC – Photovoltaic cell

65. Holes has charge of +1 unit while electrons have - -1 charge

66. Voltage regulators or high current high voltage – switching regulators

67. When all parameter are constant – frequency

68. Oscilloscope over wide range of frequencies – stability

69. Prevents mixing of print orders in shared networks is – spooling

70. Op amp is in the shape of – triangle

71. An op amp without feedback is called – comparator

72. Voltage amplifier is also called – preamplifier

73. It is used as a comparator – op amp

74. Movement of robot from 1 place to another – cycle time

75. It is used to discharge the capacitor when the supply is off – bleeder resistor

76. Memory is – Primary storage

77. Changing first changes something, changing 2nd changes nothing – orthogonal nulling

78. Disadvantage of MOSFET – electrostatic damage

79. Splitting signals, feed 1 to tweeter and 1 to woofer – crossover network

80. Simplest converter to vary the phase of the motor – half wave converter

81. Converts AC frequency from 1 to another – cyclometer

82. Its range is 1 fifth that of wifi – Bluetooth

83. Advantage of AC to DC – can easily be stepped up or down

84. Elements of matter has – unique number of protons

85. Advantage of rheostat over potentiometer – can handle large amount of current

86. Voltmeter with high sensitivity is best used in – highly resistive networks

87. Advantage of parallel over serial – higher speed

88. Operating envelope of robot arm – range of axis of motion

89. Several resistors in series have – the same current running through them

90. In an OR gate, the output is 0 when – both inputs are 0

91. Frequency in AC is – one over the period in seconds

92. A microwave electron tube - klystron

93. Magnetic field is present due to – the movement of electric charge carriers

94. Mode of operation where you can interrupt each other – full duplex

95. Output in AC is not dependent on – the natural source used

96. Charge in an isolated system is constant due to – law of conservation of charge

97. Semiconductor – Varying conductance of material

98. Resistors in series with diodes – protect it from surge currents

Complete List of Section 2 Modules in Electronics (Q&A)

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