Electronics Engineering Review Materials: Section 2 Module 14

This is the Section 2 Module 14 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet.

Electronics Review Materials: Section 2 Module 14

This is the Section 2 Module 14 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet. This particular reviewer in Electronics Engineering has random Questions and Answers in random topics. Make sure to familiarize each questions to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.

Electronics Engineering Reviewers: Section 2 Module 14

1. The unit henry is – a very large number

2. Adding of electrons in gaseous atoms – electron affinity

3. The Cray I supercomputer uses what semiconductor material – Gallium Arsenide

4. Unit of data rate – FLOPS

5. It is the rate of change – differential

6. Inductances in parallel is computed like – resistances in parallel

7. When two elements combine – they form compounds

8. Device which has inverting and non inverting input – op amp

9. Type of resistors used in RF – carbon compound

10. Operation of photodiodes when not used as photovoltaic cell – reverse biased

11. When X lead Y by 270 degrees – X lags Y by 90 degrees

12. High power, Low voltage – Full wave center tapped

13. WWW is – Part of the internet

14. Packets are – sent over the internet

15. LF157A is – bifet

16. A non inverting amplifier has – large close loop input impedance

17. What is measured in electrostatic discharge – voltage

18. When output is 1, the input is 0 and vice versa – NOT gate

19. GB is – commonly used as a measure of storage capacity

20. Cannot be changed – ROM

21. Determine the polarity of induced voltage in the coil – Lenz law

22. When given 100 ohms and 1W and you need 100 ohms 10W you need – 4x4

23. Pulsating signal – class D

24. Capacitance is inversely proportional as you – increase the distance between the plates of the capacitors

25. Output of Vose McCartney noise generator is – squared pulse

26. X + Y = Y + X – commutative property

27. Bps is a measure of – data speed

28. AC is – sinusoidal

29. Protocol ensures – data transfer between computers

30. Rectifier diodes – conduct current 180 degrees

31. Oscilloscope that uses sampling technique – sampling oscilloscope

32. Even parity checker – XNOR

33. RL series – current lags voltage less than 90 degrees

34. Purely inductive – current lags voltage by 90 degrees

35. Inductance is measured in – henries

36. 2 important components in as generators – permanent or electromagnets and armature windings

37. When a bar is placed inside a coil and a DC current is run through it – electromagnet

38. When permanent magnet is replaced by……. – electromagnetism

39. Difference of full and have wave rectifiers given the same secondary voltage – peak output voltage

40. Motherboard contains – microprocessors

41. Advantage of methanol over hydrogen – easier to store and transfer

42. Humanoid of sony which can dance – ORIO

43. Bleeder resistor in circuits – none of the above

44. Biometry is 1. Identification 2. Verification 3. Authentication – 1,2,3

45. Physiological Biometry is – 1,2,3

46. Computers are – 1,2,3

47. Disadvantage of CMOS – electrostatic damage

48. Wave with same amplitude but is 1/10 different in phase differs by – 36 degrees

49. Boolean algebra – is used in digital logic design

50. Controls the manipulators – armature

51. Ammeter measures – current

52. Standard lab multimeter does not measure – frequency

53. Advantage of DSP – all of the above

54. Compensating capacitors prevents op amp – oscillation

55. When forward base bias is……. Collector levels off – saturation

56. Reactances in capacitors, when frequency goes down – purely large negatively

57. Transistors or FET are biased at cutoff/pinch-off without input – class B

58. NPN bipolar transistors – DC voltage collector is positive

59. Transducers with low output signals have output of - ±50mV & ±500mV

60. Dissipates less power and generates less heat – switching regulators

61. Admittance is – the ease of letting in ac

62. The reciprocal of reactance – susceptance

63. Regulators in parallel with load – shunt regulators

64. Simplest Filter in power supplies – capacitor is parallel with rectifier output

65. Converts ac to dc – rectifier

66. Piano and saxophone differs in sound given the same frequency because – waveforms are different

67. FM detectors with built in limiters – ratio detector

68. Visual representation of signals – cathode ray oscilloscope

69. At a frequency of 95.7Mhz ideal inductor to be used is – air core

70. CMOS IC – consists of N-channel and P-channel FETs

71. Number of electron in 1 coulomb – 6.24x10^18

72. Holes moves – from plus to minus

73. Diagram where state of equilibrium of phases of matter – phase diagram

74. Which is not a type of capacitor – ferrite

75. At a material’s boiling point, the pressure is – 1 atm

76. Converts electric to light – LED

77. In a parallel resonant LC circuit, the impedance is – high and resistive

78. In ac, impedance is resistive – when reactance is 0

79. Tuned circuit with tapped coil – Hartley oscillator

80. Current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance – ohm’s law

81. In parallel light bulbs, when 1 short out – circuit must have a fuse or circuit breaker

82. Most efficient in using the supply – series regulator

83. Frequency in PN junction…………. – junction capacitance

84. In 3 phase circuits the difference of 2 waves is – 120 degrees

85. Joules per second is – watt

86. Electron volt is a measure of – energy

87. The time when the oscilloscope does not trigger – trigger hold off

88. Computer that handle discrete data – digital computers

89. Rechargeable battery – secondary cell

90. Reactance modulator – FM

91. Bridges application program and computer hardware – operating program

92. Programming on remote computer – offline programming

93. Equal gears ratio – chain ……

94. Which does not affect resistance – mass

95. Maximum efficiency of full wave bridge type rectifier is – 81.2%

96. Most effective damping in indicator instruments – eddy current damping

Complete List of Section 2 Modules in Electronics (Q&A)

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