Electronics Engineering Review Materials: Section 2 Module 16

This is the Section 2 Module 16 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet.

Electronics Review Materials: Section 2 Module 16

This is the Section 2 Module 16 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet. This particular reviewer in Electronics Engineering has random Questions and Answers in random topics. Make sure to familiarize each questions to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.

Electronics Engineering Reviewers: Section 2 Module 16



1. Asking each remote terminal, one at a time


2. Common configuration in industry of robotics

Articulated arm and cylindrical

3. Strain gauge


4. Liquid crystal, year developed


5. Display simultaneously amplitudes in different frequencies

Spectrum analyzer

6. Spectrum analyzer


7. Electromagnetic induction

Michael Faraday

8. Instrument for microwave frequencies

Gunn diode

9. Electron charge over a given volume

Electron density

10. Viscosity

Resistance to flow

11. “turn on” SCR

Minimum gate trigger voltage

12. PNP, external voltage applied

Collector negative voltage to the emitter

13. Behaves roughly like SCR


14. Diac

Two terminal bidirectional

15. SCR conduction

Positive gate w/ respect to cathode

16. 2 NAND gates, R-S flip flop


17. In an RS flip flop if, R=low, S=low


18. Mass of electron


19. Power density in RF


20. Safety to humans


21. Messy robotics


22. Advantage of hydraulics

Lift heavier loads

23. Change color and temperature


24. STTL

TTL schottky

25. Fault that causes current to move from core to earth to cladding

Earth faults

26. Magnetic flux is directly proportional to strength

Coulomb’s first law

27. Induction against capacitance, four arm-ac bridge

Maxwell bridge

28. Induced polarity in electromagnetism

Lenz’ law

29. Logic circuit that operates at 25 volts, common in industries


30. Robot w/ no specific path

Point to point

31. Computer language that uses mnemonics

Machine language

32. Cycle before SCR conduction

Firing delay

33. Cycle before SCR conduction

Firing delay angle

34. Memory component for clock sequential logic circuit

Flip flop

35. Fastest supercomputer

Blue Gene/L

36. One or 2 condition that stores memory input


37. 24 satellites


38. High output if any input is High, low output if both are low

OR gate

39. If any input is low


40. Horizontal deflection


41. Ceramic disk


42. Wireless device usually in Starbucks, hotels


43. Full bridge converter, firing angle

Past +90 degrees

44. Uses Wheatstone bridge to determine distance from test point to the fault in telephone lines

Varley loop

45. Converting AC to DC


46. Not a component in AC power supply


47. Op –amp

All of the above (voltage, current, voltage-current amplifier)

48. NOT a computer classification


49. Varies with AC but not with DC


50. 534 transistors in a single chip

Small scale integration

51. Sharp dip


52. Dip meter, grid circuit


53. Equivalent circuit with a source current and a parallel resistance

Norton’s Theorem

54. Forward-voltage blocking SCR

By connecting in series

55. After squeeze interval


56. After weld interval


57. After release interval

Stand by

58. SCARA robot degree of freedom


59. ENIAC ___addition, ___ multiplication


60. NOT used for biometry

Texture of skin

61. Smaller spacing/distance of plates in a dielectric

Increase capacitance

62. If a deflection in a torque increase

It increases

63. Bleeder resistor

To drain charges

64. Converting high AC from low voltage DC source


65. Red,red,red,gold

2.2k ohms + 0.5%

66. More dynamic cells in an area

They are smaller

67. No electric potential but w/ movement of charge

Diffusion current

68. For accurate measurement, internal resistance of voltmeter should be

As high as possible

69. Not included in oscillator circuit

Negative feedback

70. System w/ no feedback and no error corrections

Open-loop system

71. To compensate for close loop gain voltage

Feedback resistance divided by input resistance

72. 74IC

Active-load resistor

73. Advantage of using methanol over hydrogen

Easier to transport and store

74. Not included in solar power

Apply AC voltage in solar panel

75. Best for heavy loads in short durations

Cumulative compounded

76. To measure reflection


77. Cheapest, most rugged material for analog meter

Moving iron galvanometer

78. Air core to ferromagnetic materials

Air concentrates to magnetic line of flux

79. Moving hot-steel slabs

Infrared and ultraviolet

80. Difference between JFET to MOSFET

MOSFET has wider range of gate biasing voltage

81. 8086 processor

16 bit

82. GUI uses in three different ways except


83. Popular software to access the world wide web


84. Time required from users request to computer’s reply

Response time

85. To determine noise characteristics

Noise generator

86. Computer characteristics

All of the above (speed, low cost, inpu/output)

87. Address bit that access data


88. To have a stable output with changing impedance


89. When gate source voltage is off

Drain-source saturation current

90. Maximum magnetic line in a magnet

Magnetic pole

91. Measurement of size of files


92. Network configuration for private and government organization

Private data network

93. AC bridge circuit

Wein bridge

94. Time between cycle


95. Advantage of pneumatic actuators

All of the above ( clean, no leaks; low cost; speed)

Complete List of Section 2 Modules in Electronics (Q&A)

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