Electronics Engineering Review Materials: Section 2 Module 17

This is the Section 2 Module 17 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet.

Electronics Review Materials: Section 2 Module 17

This is the Section 2 Module 17 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet. This particular reviewer in Electronics Engineering has random Questions and Answers in random topics. Make sure to familiarize each questions to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.

Electronics Engineering Reviewers: Section 2 Module 17



1. Ultra fast and long range wireless that connects homes and businesses where there is no cable connection available


2. To measure spin electronics


3. Most common analogue meter


4. Measures incident wave and reflected waves


5. Movements of robotic arm: 1. Cartesian, 2. Polar, 3. Cylindrical, 4. Articulated


6. Two most popular RF oscillator

Colpitts and Hartley

7. Maximum efficiency of transformer

Copper loss equals constant loss

8. Photovoltaic silicon cell


9. Ripple rejection of three-terminal regulator


10. Most popular thyristor


11. Firing angle of SCR for power density


12. Large transformer efficiency


13. “bang bang” control


14. Equivalent open resistance; open voltage circuit

Thevenin’s law

15. Arithmetic operation more negative to the capacity of the output register


16. Arithmetic operation more than the capacity of the output register


17. Difference of measured output over desired output


18. Permanent magnet current-carrying coil

Permanent magnet moving coil instrument

19. Ultrasonic welding frequency

10-75 kHz

20. Instrument for electrically charged bodies

Electrostatic instrument

21. Greater noise resistance compared to RTL


22. What will happen to the eddy current loss if load of transformer increases

Nothing will happen

23. Rating of transformer if zero efficiency

No load

24. Invented computer that uses binary numbers and stores information

John Van Neumann

25. Computer that connects the user’s computer system to the internet


26. Maintains physical position for motor control

Servo motor

27. Parameter that opposes the magnetic flux


28. Element for CRAY 1 supercomputer

Gallium arsenide

29. 400Hz, AF, the induction forms a:


30. Arc welding current

50-450 A

31. Fixed negative voltage regulator

79 XX

32. Fixed positive voltage regulator

78 XX

33. Generates noise for testing purposes

Noise generator

34. To withstand noise

Noise immunity

35. Most costly


36. Converts binary to ASCII

Code converter

37. Elements with 4 valence electrons

Elemental semiconductor

38. Rapidly flashing logic probe indicates:

Rapidly changing logic activity

39. Air in dielectric

Has low loss

40. Thyristor is also known as:

Gas-filled triode

41. Maxwell’s bridge measures accurately

Medium inductances

42. In constructing transformers, primary and secondary windings

Tight magnetic coils

43. Copper material of primary winding

Almost equal to the secondary

44. Saturable reactor

Magnetic amplifier

45. Small dc current cause reactance of a large ac winding

Saturable reactor

46. Dynamometer that measures high current

Current transformer

47. Instrument for electromagnetic induction

Induction instrument

48. Instrument for fixed coil to a soft iron

Moving magnet instrument

49. 4th economic key


50. Step-recovery diode

Charge-storage diode

51. Robot “hand”


52. Intervals for automated welding


53. Unsaturated logic gate


54. Advantage of magnetic disk to magnetic tape

Stores data rapidly

55. Equivalent voltage for voltage sources w/ series resistance parallel to each other

Millman’s theorem

56. Total resistance of resistors in series

Greater than the highest resistance

57. Inductance and Q of inductor

Hay bridge

58. Volume control for stereo compact disk player

Audio-tape potentiometer

59. “busing” for pulse generator, switching circuits

Tri-state buffer

60. For op-amps to be used as buffer


61. Dielectric in oscilloscope

Electrostatic deflection

62. Used for oscilloscope deflection

Electrostatic deflection

63. Playback robots with continuous path control

Walk-through programming

64. Damping for ammeter

Eddy current damping

65. Common to oscillator, operates in negative reverse breakdown region

Tunnel diode

66. Three state buffer from 0-1 output

OE is set to logic 1

67. In TTL circuits, unusable gate in logic circuit

Force the load to HIGH

68. Main program for operating systems


69. Icon used for display


70. Circuit for very low resistances

Kelvin double circuit

71. MOSFET input impedance

Extremely high

72. Crowbar circuit

Has an AC overvoltage protection

73. Two conditional state

Digital electronics

74. Sample circuit in voltage regulator

Voltage divider network

75. Change in memory


76. Edge timing on multiple clock inputs

Clock skew

77. Similar on the primary and secondary windings

Voltage per turn-ampere turns

78. Largest power dissipating devices

Water cooling

79. Coulomb of charge of electrons on a given point every second

1 ampere

80. Distribution of electrons on the orbital of an atom

Electron configuration

81. Period of phase

1/360 of a cycle

82. NPN transistor

All of the above (RF amplifier, audio amplifier, switching circuits)

83. Most efficient voltage regulator, high current high voltage applications

Switching regulator

84. At low frequency, transformer works poorly because:

Magnetizing current will be very high

85. Air gaps in transformer core

Increases the magnetizing current

86. Torque remains constant as load changes

Torque control

87. Weak signal amplifier, most important factor

Noise figure

88. Which describes an Armstrong oscillator

From the output to the input through the transformer

89. Internal clamping diode on the input of the logic circuit

To minimize the negative ringing effect

90. Transmission system of robots, constant-gear ratio

Chain drives

91. Linear electronic voltage regulator

Regulator in which the conductor in the control varies in direct proportion to voltage or load current

92. Moving iron ac ammeter

Different number of operating coils

93. Tapped coil in a tuned circuit

Hartley oscillator

94. Disadvantage of mercury cells and batteries

Destructive to the environment

Complete List of Section 2 Modules in Electronics (Q&A)

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