Electronics Engineering Review Materials: Section 2 Module 18

This is the Section 2 Module 18 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet.

Electronics Review Materials: Section 2 Module 18

This is the Section 2 Module 18 of the compiled Electronics Review Materials taken from different sources including but not limited to Electronics books, past Board Exams Questions, Journals and the Internet. This particular reviewer in Electronics Engineering has random Questions and Answers in random topics. Make sure to familiarize each questions to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.

Electronics Engineering Reviewers: Section 2 Module 18

1. IGBT – high voltage applications

2. In parallel AC alternators, voltage is changed by – varying field excitation

3. In parallel AC alternators, frequency is changed by – varying rpm of the prime movers

4. HASHING – applied to a KEY

5. Photodiode internal resistance when light is applied – decreases when reverse-biased

6. Connect computers – Network

7. Connecting Wide Network – Backbone

8. Data encryption that prevents theft – DES

9. Synchronous AC motor – dc generator + dc field excitation ( longest answer )

10. 6 lead acid – 12V

11. 9V flat battery – 6 batteries in series

12. Silver cadmium battery – 1.05V

13. Centralized processing system - A teleprocessing system

14. Cascode configuration – Common Emitter and Common Base ( in order, “CB and CE” is included in the choices)

15. High starting torque – dc series motor

16. A need for sudden high torque of short periods – cumulatively compound motor

17. Cumulatively compound motor doesn’t run wildly/widely @ low inputs due to – SHUNT resistor

18. Digital recorded message recorded and sent to others – voice mail

19. Comparator with hysteresis – has 2 trigger points

20. CMOS – n-channel & p-channel

21. 20 db roll-off rate – is equivalent to a change with a factor of 10 every decade

22. Feedback pair – NPN and PNP

23. Used after op-amp to adjust output – level-shifter

24. Level shifter – used to adjust output of op-amp to 0 volts when input is 0V

25. How is Common Gate (CG) different from CS and CD (FETs) – lower input impedance

26. Program that will attack given certain conditions - bomb

27. Uses hierarchal method for searchingGopher

28. Barcode is an example of an – input device

29. Barcode - UPC

30. Instrumentation devices used at – high noise environments/devices

31. Differential gain divided by common mode gain – CMRR

32. . . . - Frequency Response

33. When an op-amp has zero input its ideal output is – 0V

34. Frequency where 0.707 of the output voltage occurs – break frequency

35. . . . – Critical Frequency

36. . . . – Coupling Capacitor

37. Capacitive Divider – Colpitts oscillator

38. RC network … - Relaxation Oscillator

39. The approximate value of the bias-input op-amp . . .parallel combination of the feedback and input resistors

40. High speed attained by – parallel processing

41. Connecting LANs thru the internet protocolIP Switch

42. Q point of Class C amplifier – below cut-off

43. Q point of Class AB amplifier – slightly above cut-off

44. Class B most prone to - Crossover Distortion

45. Class A has the – least distortion

46. Distortion occurring when not all frequencies passed – Amplitude distortion

47. Distortion occurring when the signal output is not produced linearly as the input – Non-linear Distortion

48. First browser to be invented – Mosaic

49. Copper loss amounts to __% of the loss – 85%

50. Which of the losses is the most in motors – Copper loss

51. Transformer is efficient because it is – a static device

52. Birthplace of the World Wide Web – CERN

53. To increase drain current – decrease gate-to source voltage

54. In a push pull configuration ICQ must be – equal to the current in the bias and feedback resistors

55. FM IF – higher then AM IF

56. Discriminator or detector – recognizes audio signal

57. Insulting messages – flaming

58. Getting password – social engineering

59. Low input offset op-amp voltage – 0.2mV

60. DIP or Dual-in-Line Packaging – TO-116

61. RAID - Data Mirroring

62. Usually computer threats are – discovered accidentally

63. Lagging p.f. of 0.8 will have ____ voltage regulation than at unity power factor – greater

64. Difference between MOSFET and JFET – JFET has a pn junction

65. When a triangular wave is fed to a differentiator the output is a – square wave

66. The usual input to electric switching devices – square wave

67. The armature always generates – Alternating Current

68. The amount of time it takes the arm track device . . . seek time

69. Dirt in the commutator results to – excessive sparking

70. 4-layer junction device will conduct if – forward break over voltage exceeded

71. In a voltage divider, if the resistor connected to ground is removed before a transistor – it will be driven into saturation

72. Double ended diff amp – opposite polarity applied to input

73. Single ended diff amp – one input grounded, other input has a signal

74. Op amps usually driven by dual polarity source but can also be operated by a single polarity source if – voltage is supplied to a reference voltage

75. Ideal op-amp – has high input impedance

76. . . . – decrease the capacitance, wider its bandwidth

77. Voltage produced if there is – relative motion between conducting wires and magnetic field

78. Zener diode at 3.6V will be at the – ZENER BREAKDOWN (not avalanche breakdown)

79. Self Biased JFET connected to – 0V (not ground)

80. The pulse from a multivibrator is controlled by the – resistors and the capacitors

81. OTA – transconductance & load resistor

82. . . . (having to do something with itself, ganyan context nung question) – polymorphism

83. In Parallel AC generators the ____ is important – phase angle

84. Average DC voltage in a full wave bridge type rectifier – 0.636Vmax

85. When a transistors is in cut-off or saturation it acts like a – switch

86. When a PC is treated like a terminal – Emulation

87. When a server has access to all clients – client / server network

88. Difference of SCS from SCR – SCS has 2 gates

89. Frequency controlled thru changing the voltage – VCO

90. Purpose of the damper windings – prevent hunting

91. Before updating sequential . . . it is – Sorted

92. Contains memory of browsing – cookie file

93. Processing transactions in groups is called – batch processing

94. Key factor in installation that has meet with disaster – a loss of processing ability

95. When the op-amp can be controlled thru external resistors programmable op-amp

96. Used so that the incoming signal will not interfere to the transmitting signal – Transponder

Complete List of Section 2 Modules in Electronics (Q&A)

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