This is 100 items set of Practice Examination 3 in Communications Engineering (Electronics Systems and Technology) composed of previous Board Exams Questions. Read each questions and choices carefully! Choose the best answer. In the actual board, you have to answer 100 items in Communications Engineering within 5 hours. You have to get at least 70% to pass the subject. Communications Engineering is 30% of the total 100% Board Rating along with Mathematics (20%), General Engineering and Applied Sciences (20%) and Electronics Engineering (30%). Familiarize each and every questions to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Examination.
Start the Test Yourself Exam 3
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.
1. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the impedance of a balance 4-wire with a diameter of 0.25 cm and spaced 2.5 cm apart using an insulator with a dielectric constant of 2.56?
- A. 100 Ω
- B. 65 Ω
- C. 75 Ω
- D. 50 Ω
2. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the impedance in ohms of a transformer marked for 25V, 4W, when the secondary is correctly loaded?
- A. 150 Ω
- B. 156 Ω
- C. 160 Ω
- D. 165 Ω
3. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A single conductor running from the transmitter to the antenna.
- A. RG-8/U
- B. Single line wire
- C. Twin-lead
- D. MIcrostrip
4. ECE Board Exam April 1997
If voltage change equal to twice its original value, what is its corresponding change in dB?
- A. 9 dB
- B. 6 dB
- C. 10 dB
- D. 3 dB
5. ECE Board Exam April 1997
To couple a coaxial line to parallel line, it is better to use a ______.
- A. Slotted line
- B. Quarter-wave transformer
- C. Directional Coupler
- D. Balun
6. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the characteristic impedance of a single wire with a diameter d= 0.25 mm placed at the center between grounded parallel planes separated by 1 mm apart. The wire is held by a material with a velocity factor of 0.75.
- A. 85 Ω
- B. 63 Ω
- C. 50 Ω
- D. 75 Ω
7. ECE Board Exam April 1997
If you have available number of power amplifiers with a gain of 100 each, how many such amplifiers do you need to cascade to give an overall gain of 60 dB?
- A. 3
- B. 4
- C. 5
- D. 2
8. ECE Board Exam April 1997
________ sets a limit on the maximum capacity of a channel with a give noise level.
- A. Hartley theorem
- B. Shannon-Hartley theorem
- C. Nyquist theorem
- D. Shannon theorem
9. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Transmission sent in both directions simultaneously.
- A. Full duplex
- B. Duplex
- C. Half duplex
- D. Simplex
10. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Industrial noise frequency is between _________.
- A. 200 to 3000 Mhz
- B. 15 to 160 Mhz
- C. 0 to 10 Khz
- D. 20 Ghz
11. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Reference noise temperature.
- A. 70 deg F
- B. 30 deg C
- C. 290 Kelvin
- D. 25 deg C
12. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the reference frequency of CCITT psophometric noise measurement?
- A. 800 Hz
- B. 1500 Hz
- C. 3400 Hz
- D. 1000 Hz
13. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Which does not effect noise in a channel?
- A. None of these
- B. Bandwidth
- C. Temperature
- D. Quantizing level
14. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The random and unpredictable electric signal from natural causes, both internal and external to the system is know as ________.
- A. Distortion
- B. Noise
- C. Attenuation
- D. Interference
15. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The most common unit of noise measurement in white noise testing.
- A. dBw
- B. dBk
- C. dBm
- D. NPR
16. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Unit of noise power of psophometer
- A. dBa
- B. pWp
- C. dBm
- D. dBmO
17. ECE Board Exam April 1997
100% modulation in AM means a corresponding increase in total power by:
- A. 25%
- B. 75%
- C. 100%
- D. 50%
18. ECE Board Exam April 1997
If the modulation index of an AM wave is doubled, the antenna current is also doubled, the AM system being used is
- A. A5C
- B. A3J
- C. A3H
- D. A3
19. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What particular circuit that rids FM of noise?
- A. HPF
- B. Phase shifter
- C. Limiter
- D. LPF
20. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the advantage of PTM over PAM?
- A. Simpler to generate
- B. Low sampling rate is required
- C. Much better noise immunity
- D. All of these
21. ECE Board Exam April 1997
At 100% modulation, the sum for the effective voltages in both sidebands is equal to ______% of the unmodulated carrier voltage.
- A. 50
- B. 71
- C. 100
- D. 25
22. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A carrier signal has ______.
- A. Constant peak amplitude
- B. The information
- C. Frequency range 20-20000 Hz
- D. A varying amplitude
23. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Which transmit only one sideband?
- A. A3E
- B. 3AJ
- C. 11BE
- D. H3E
24. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The final amplifier of either FM or AM transmitter operates as
- A. Class B
- B. Class C
- C. Class A
- D. Class D
25. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Modulation means
- A. Varying of information
- B. Utilization of a single transmission channel to carry multiple signals
- C. Varying of some parameters of a carrier such as its amplitude to transmit information
- D. Transmit pulses in DC form on a copper wire
26. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the advantage of sidetone?
- A. High transmission efficiency
- B. Results to a strengthened signal
- C. No energy dissipation
- D. Assures that the telephone is working
27. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The standard test tone
- A. 0 dB
- B. 10 dBm
- C. 0 dBm
- D. 10 dB
28. ECE Board Exam April 1997
One (1) Erlang is equal to ________.
- A. 360 CCS
- B. 100 CCS
- C. 36 CCS
- D. 3.6 CCS
29. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Transmission of printed material over telephone lines.
- A. Video text
- B. Facsimile
- C. Encoding
- D. Xerox copy
30. ECE Board Exam April 1997
1-CCS is equal to?
- A. 60
- B. 100
- C. 600
- D. 1
31. ECE Board Exam April 1997
1 Erlang is ______.
- A. 1000 TU
- B. 10 TU
- C. 100 TU
- D. 1 TU
32. ECE Board Exam April 1997
When waves bend away from straight lines of travel, it is called _________.
- A. Refraction
- B. Reflection
- C. Rarefaction
- D. Diffraction
33. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Highest frequency that can be used for skywave HF communications between two given points on earth.
- A. Gyro frequency
- B. Maximum usable frequency
- C. Critical frequency
- D. Virtual frequency
34. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Electromagnetic radiation theory was profounded by ______.
- A. Sir Edward Appleton
- B. Sir Isaac Newton
- C. James Clerk Maxwell
- D. Michael Faraday
35. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Type of transmission path that permits communication in the frequency range from 30 to 60 MHz and over distances form about 1000 to 2000 km.
- A. Ducting
- B. Ionospheric scatter
- C. Microwave
- D. Troposcatter
36. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the thickest layer of the ionosphere?
- A. E
- B. F1
- C. F2
- D. D
37. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Distance traveled by a wave in the time of one cycle.
- A. Hop
- B. Frequency
- C. Wavelength
- D. Crest
38. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Which region of the ionosphere is mainly responsible for long distance night time communication?
- A. A layer
- B. D layer
- C. E layer
- D. F layer
39. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the effective earth’s radius when N = 300?
- A. 8500 km
- B. 6370 km
- C. 7270 km
- D. 7950 km
40. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The polarization of a discone antenna is _____.
- A. Horizontal
- B. Vertical
- C. Omni
- D. Directional
41. ECE Board Exam April 1997
_______ is the horizontal pointing angle of an antenna.
- A. Right angle
- B. Angle of elevation
- C. Bandwidth
- D. Azimuth
42. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Which is properly terminated antenna?
- A. Rhombic
- B. Hertz
- C. Marconi
- D. Dipole
43. ECE Board Exam April 1997
______ is a device that detects both vertically and horizontally polarized signals simultaneously.
- A. Crystal
- B. Orthomode transducer
- C. Light transducer
- D. Optoisolator
44. ECE Board Exam April 1997
How much does the radiated power of an antenna increases if its current increased by 3.3 times?
- A. 6.6 times
- B. 3.3 times
- C. 10.89 times
- D. 9.9 times
45. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What do you call the energy that was not radiated into space or completely transmitted?
- A. Incident waves
- B. Captured waves
- C. Standing waves
- D. Modulated waves
46. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the estimated medium wind loading in the Philippines for antenna tower design?
- A. 200 kph
- B. 250 kph
- C. 300 kph
- D. 100 kph
47. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The minimum number of turns a helix antenna must have.
- A. 4
- B. 5
- C. 3
- D. 6
48. ECE Board Exam April 1997
When testing transmitter to prevent interfering with other stations, which type of antenna must be used?
- A. Dummy antenna
- B. Hertzian antenna
- C. None of these
- D. Void antenna
49. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A device that radiates electromagnetic energy and or intercepts electromagnetic radiation.
- A. Antenna
- B. Transmitter
- C. Transmission line
- D. Transceiver
50. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The frequency of operation of a dipole antenna cut to length of 3.4 m.
- A. 42.9 MHz
- B. 61.3 MHz
- C. 38.5 MHz
- D. 53.5 MHz
51. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Full duplex transmission means
- A. One way transmission
- B. 24-hour transmission
- C. Broadcast transmission
- D. Two-way simultaneous transmission
52. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Transmission system for a multidrop network
- A. Taken passing
- B. Polling
- C. Switching
53. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Synchronous modems cost more than asynchronous modem because _______.
- A. They have larger bandwidth
- B. They are larger
- C. The production volume is larger
- D. They have clock recovery circuits
54. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What equation defines the composition of an ISDN basic access line?
- A. B+2D
- B. B+D
- C. 2B+2D
- D. 2B+D
55. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Modem is referred to as ______.
- A. Universal asynchronous Rx/Tx
- B. Data communication equipment
- C. Universal synchronous Rx/Tx
- D. Data terminal equipment
56. ECE Board Exam April 1997
_______ character signifies the start of the test for Bisync.
- A. STX
- B. ETX
- C. SOH
- D. BCC
57. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the reason why companding is employed in PCM systems?
- A. To overcome impulse noise in PCM receivers
- B. To allow amplitude limiting in the receivers
- C. To solve quantizing noise problem
- D. To protect small signals in PCM from quantizing distortion
58. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is framing?
- A. Is concerned of synchronous system
- B. Refers to parallel transmission
- C. Is concerned with the boundaries between characters
- D. Is concerned with individual bits
59. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The method of determining the bandwidth of any processing system is ______.
- A. Bandwidth analysis
- B. Frequency spectrum
- C. Spectral analysis
- D. Frequency analysis
60. ECE Board Exam April 1997
It is a protocol used to connect the other packet witching network.
- A. X.25
- B. X.50
- C. X.10
- D. X.75
61. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Slowest communications hardware product.
- A. Synchronous
- B. Asynchronous
- C. Ethernet
- D. Internet
62. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Highest theoretical frequency that can be processed at a sampling rate without aliasing.
- A. Folding frequency
- B. Resonant frequency
- C. Natural frequency
- D. Critical frequency
63. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Data is directly on the transmission cable.
- A. Asynchronous
- B. Synchronous
- C. Baseband
- D. Broadband
64. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A source code whose average word length approaches the fundamental limit set by the entropy of a discrete memory less source.
- A. Prefix code
- B. Huffman code
- C. Entropy code
- D. Source code
65. ECE Board Exam April 1997
______ sets the limit on the maximum capacity of a channel with a given noise level.
- A. Hartley theorem
- B. Shannon-hartley theorem
- C. Nyquist theorem
- D. Shannon theorem
66. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Gateway can interconnect LANs that have ____ protocols and formats.
- A. The same
- B. Different or the same
- C. Totally different
- D. None of these
67. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Steps to follow to produce PCM signal.
- A. Quantizing, sampling, and coding
- B. Sampling, quantizing, and coding
- C. Sampling, coding and quantizing
- D. Coding, quantizing and coding
68. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Transmission sent in both directions simultaneously.
- A. Full duplex
- B. Duplex
- C. Half duplex
- D. Simplex
69. ECE Board Exam April 1997
_______ detects the satellite signal relayed from the feed and converts it to an electric current, amplifies and lower its frequency.
- A. Feedhorn
- B. Satellite dish
- C. Satellite receiver
- D. LNB
70. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What kind of battery panels are used in some advance satellites?
- A. Gallium Arsenide solar panel
- B. Germanium based panels
- C. Silicon based panels
- D. Gallium Phosphate solar panel
71. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Footprint refers to coverage area in the globe
- A. Satellite radiation polarization
- B. Satellite navigation
- C. Satellite radiation pattern
- D. Satellite coverage
72. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Asia Sat I covers how many countries in Asia?
- A. 38
- B. 40
- C. 44
- D. 42
73. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Insertion loss of connector-type splices for a single-mode fiber cable.
- A. 0.2 dB
- B. 0.3 dB
- C. 0.09 dB
- D. 0.38 dB
74. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A non-coherent light source for optical communications system.
- A. PIN Diode
- B. ILD
- C. APD
- D. LED
75. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Type of fiber that has the highest modal dispersion
- A. Step-index multimode
- B. Step-index single mode
- C. Graded index mode
- D. Graded index multimode
76. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Fiber optic cable operates near _______ frequencies.
- A. 800 THz
- B. 20 MHz
- C. 200 MHz
- D. 2 GHz
77. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Lifetime of ILD’s
- A. 150,000 h
- B. 100,000 h
- C. 50,000 h
- D. 200,000 h
78. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The sound energy per unit area at right angles to the propagation direction per unit time.
- A. Sound intensity
- B. Loudness
- C. Coherence
- D. Sound stress
79. ECE Board Exam April 1997
_______ is the transmission of sound from one room to an adjacent room thru common walls, floors or ceilings.
- A. Reverberation
- B. Refraction
- C. Flanking transmission
- D. Reflection
80. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The sound power level of a jet plane flying at a height of 1 km is 160 dB. What is the maximum sound pressure level on the ground directly below the plane assuming that the aircraft radiates sound equally in all directions?
- A. 59.1 dB
- B. 69.1 dB
- C. 79.1 dB
- D. 89.1 dB
81. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Lowest frequency produced by a musical instrument.
- A. Fundamental
- B. Midrange
- C. Period
- D. Harmonic
82. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Sound intensity level is ________.
- A. 10 log I/I(ref)
- B. 10 log I(ref)/I
- C. 30 log I/I(ref)
- D. 20 log I/I(ref)
83. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Tendency of sound energy to spread.
- A. Reflection
- B. Diffraction
- C. Rarefaction
- D. Refraction
84. ECE Board Exam April 1997
______ used to measure speech volume
- A. Volume meter
- B. Audio frequency meter
- C. Volume unit meter
- D. Speech meter
85. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the local oscillator frequency range commercial AM broadcast if it is equal to 455 KHz.
- A. 540 to 1600 KHz
- B. 0 to 1600 KHz
- C. 995 to 2055 KHz
- D. 0 to 455 KHz
86. ECE Board Exam April 1997
TV channels 2, 4 and 5 are known as ________.
- A. Mid band UHF
- B. Low band UHF
- C. High band VHF
- D. Low band VHF
87. ECE Board Exam April 1997
______ is the first component of any MATV system to received broadcast signals.
- A. Receiver
- B. Antenna
- C. Filter
- D. Transmitter
88. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Mechanism or device which enables the TV camera to move in internal and tilting motion.
- A. Tilting
- B. Scanner
- C. Pan/tilt device
- D. Panning device
89. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The allowable deviation ratio of commercial FM broadcast.
- A. 25
- B. 15
- C. 5
- D. 75
90. ECE Board Exam April 1997
______ is the time duration for one horizontal trace.
- A. 48µs
- B. 52 µs
- C. 62 µs
- D. 50 µs
91. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Which is atmospheric attenuation?
- A. Attenuation due to rain
- B. Attenuation due to other gasses
- C. Attenuation due to mist and fog
- D. Due to water vapor and oxygen
92. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A microwave system that requires the use of repeater.
- A. Intervening terrain is favorable
- B. Distances involved are greater
- C. The required reliability is met
- D. All of these
93. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What frequency does oxygen causes excessive attenuation
- A. 119 GHz
- B. 183 GHz
- C. 310 GHz
- D. 60 GHz
94. ECE Board Exam April 1997
RADAR means
- A. Radio detection and rating
- B. Radio detection and ranging
- C. Radio distance and ranging
- D. Radio delay and ranging
95. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A microwave link between the earth station and the down-town terminal.
- A. STL
- B. Uplink
- C. Downlink
- D. Terrestrial link
96. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The advantage of periscope antenna in microwave
- A. Minimize interference to and from other neighboring stations
- B. Shorten waveguide link
- C. Reduce tower height
- D. All of these
97. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Professional Regulations Commission was created under ______.
- A. PD 323
- B. PD 223
- C. PD 232
- D. RA 223
98. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The institutionalization of the continuing Professional Education (CPE) Program of the various regulated profession under the supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission.
- A. E.O. No. 266
- B. E.O. No. 626
- C. E.O. No. 662
- D. P.D. 381
99. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The basic law providing for the regulation of radio station, communications in the Philippines and other purposes.
- A. Act. No.`3846
- B. D.O. No. 11
- C. D.O. No. 88
- D. D.O. No. 5
100. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Listing of the date and time events, programs , equipment, test, malfunctions and corrections in communication system.
- A. File
- B. Documentation
- C. Reporting
- D. Log
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