This is 100 items set of Practice Examination 4 in Communications Engineering (Electronics Systems and Technology) composed of previous Board Exams Questions. Read each questions and choices carefully! Choose the best answer. In the actual board, you have to answer 100 items in Communications Engineering within 5 hours. You have to get at least 70% to pass the subject. Communications Engineering is 30% of the total 100% Board Rating along with Mathematics (20%), General Engineering and Applied Sciences (20%) and Electronics Engineering (30%). Familiarize each and every questions to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Examination.
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Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.
1. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Extra-terrestrial noise is observable at frequencies from
- A. 0 to 20 KHz
- B. Above 2 GHz
- C. 8 to 1.43 GHz
- D. 5 to 8 GHz
2. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Band of light waves, that are too short to be seen by human eye.
- A. Visible
- B. Infrared
- C. Ultraviolet
- D. Amber
3. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Two wires that are bent 90 degrees apart.
- A. Hertz
- B. Dipole
- C. Log-periodic
- D. Rhombic
4. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The first symbol in the designation of radio emission under the ITU rules to
- A. Nature of signals modulating the main carrier
- B. Type of information to be transmitted
- C. Bandwidth
- D. Type of modulation of the main carrier
5. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Operating method in which the transmission is made alternately in each direction of a telecommunication channel
- A. Semi-duplex operation
- B. Duplex operation
- C. Half-duplex operation
- D. Simplex operation
6. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Production of radiation by a radio transmitting station
- A. Monitoring
- B. Emission
- C. Radiation
- D. Transmission
7. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The third symbol in the designation of radio emission under the ITU rules refers to
- A. Type of the modulation of the main carrier
- B. Bandwidth
- C. Nature of the signals modulating the main carrier
- D. Type of information to be transmitted
8. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A form of telecommunication for the transmission of transient images of fixed or moving objects.
- A. E-mail
- B. Television
- C. Radio
- D. Internet
9. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Radiation pattern of a discone.
- A. Unidirectional
- B. Bidirectional
- C. Omnidirectional
- D. Figure of eight
10. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Another SEG function that allows a person to be superimposed on another scene.
- A. Visual effect
- B. Wiper
- C. Chroma keying
- D. Special effect generation
11. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What signal-to-noise ratio is required for satisfactory telephone services?
- A. 50 dB
- B. 30 dB
- C. 40dB
- D. 20 dB
12. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The use of telecommunication for automatic indicating or recording measurement at the distance from the measuring instrument.
- A. Monitoring
- B. Tracking
- C. Telemetry
- D. Telecommand
13. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The standard deviation of the variation in the transmission loss of a circuit should not exceed
- A. 3 dB
- B. 1 dB
- C. 5 dB
- D. 0.5dB
14. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Noise caused by the thermal agitation of electrons in resistance.
- A. White noise
- B. Thermal noise
- C. Johnson’s noise
- D. All of these
15. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Unity gain antenna
- A. Isotropic
- B. Rhombic
- C. Half-wave dipole
- D. Dummy
16. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The series of periodically recurrent pulses is modulated in amplitude by the corresponding instantaneous samples.
- A. PFM
- B. PWM
- C. PDM
- D. PAM
17. ECE Board Exam April 1997
This type of transmission permits communication in the frequency range from 30 to 60 MHz and over distances from about 1000 to 2000 km.
- A. Troposcatter
- B. Ionospheric scatter
- C. Ducting
- D. Microwave
18. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A region in front of a paraboloid antenna.
- A. Transmission zone
- B. Fresnel
- C. Fraunhofer
- D. All of these
19. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Designates the sensation of low or high in the sense of the base and treble.
- A. Frequency
- B. Intensity
- C. Pitch
- D. SPL
20. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A good example of a pilot tone system used in commercial frequency modulation stations.
- A. FDM
- B. Time division
- C. Stereo multiplexing
- D. Frequency modulation
21. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Emission on a frequency or frequencies immediately outside the necessary bandwidth which result from the modulation process except spurious emission.
- A. Radiation
- B. Noise
- C. Out of the band
- D. Interference
22. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of ______.
- A. Broad bandwidth
- B. Good front-to-back
- C. Maneuverability
- D. Circular polarization
23. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Background noise is the same as the following except
- A. Impulse noise
- B. White noise
- C. Thermal noise
- D. Gaussian noise
24. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Electronic equipment used to measure standing wave ration.
- A. Reflectometer
- B. Wavemeter
- C. Altimeter
- D. Multimeter
25. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A single sideband emission in which the degree of carrier suppression enables the carrier to be reconstituted and to be used for demodulation.
- A. Reduce carrier single sideband emission
- B. Half carrier single sideband emission
- C. Full carrier single sideband emission
- D. Standard single sideband emission
26. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Station in the mobile service not intended to be used while in motion.
- A. Coast station
- B. Fixed station
- C. Base station
- D. Land station
27. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The electric field lines in a plane perpendicular to the earth’s surface.
- A. Elliptical polarization
- B. Circular polarization
- C. Horizontal polarization
- D. Vertical polarization
28. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Known to be the first satellite capable to receive and transmit simultaneously.
- A. Score
- B. Syncom I
- C. Telstar 1
- D. Echo1
29. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A digital carrier facility used to transmit a DSI-formatted signal at 1.544. Mbps.
- A. T2
- B. T1
- C. T4
- D. T3
30. ECE Board Exam April 1997
12 voice channels are sampled at 8000 sampling rate and encoded into 8 bit PCM word. Determine the rate of the data stream.
- a. 354 kbps
- b. 750 kbps
- c. 768 kbps
- d. 640 kbps
31. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The most common device used as a light detector in fiber optic communications system.
- A. LED
- B. Darlington phototransistor
- C. APDs
- D. PIN diode
32. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Two resistors, 20kΩ, and 50kΩ are at ambient temperature. Calculate for a bandwidth equal to 100kHz, the thermal noise voltage for the two resistors connected in parallel.
- A. 0.4782µV
- B. 4278 µV
- C. 4.78 µV
- D. 47.8 µV
33. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Calculate the energy of the photon of infrared light energy at 1.55µm
- A. 1.28 x 10-19 J
- B. 1.6 x 10-19 J
- C. 1.22 x 10-16 J
- D. 1.9 x 10-14 J
34. ECE Board Exam April 1997
If a fiber optic system has a rise time of 38.55 ns, the source rise time is 12 ns and the detector rise time is 12 ns, what is the cable rise time?
- A. 34.61 ns
- B. 14.55 ns
- C. 52.55 ns
- D. 26.25 ns
35. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Nominal voice channel
- A. 20 to 20 KHz
- B. 16 to 16 KHz
- C. 3 to 3 KHz
- D. 4 KHz
36. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Two or more antennas separated by 9 wavelengths are used.
- A. Hybrid diversity
- B. Space diversity
- C. Polarized diversity
- D. Frequency diversity
37. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Nif stands for
- A. Narrow intermediate frequency
- B. Noise interference figure
- C. Noise improvement factor
- D. Non-intrinsic figure
38. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Any small element of space in the path of a wave may be considered as a source of secondary wavelet.
- A. De Morgan’s Principle
- B. Faraday’s Law
- C. Huygen’s Principle
- D. Fresnel’s Law of optics
39. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Modulation in which the modulated wave is always present.
- A. Carrier modulation
- B. Front-end
- C. Continuous modulation
- D. Log-periodic modulation
40. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Atmospheric noise is less at severe frequencies above
- A. Audio level
- B. 30 MHz
- C. 10 GHz
- D. 1 GHz
41. ECE Board Exam April 1997
At height about 180 km above the earth exist only during daylight.
- A. F2 layer
- B. D layer
- C. E layer
- D. F1 layer
42. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Radiation characteristics of a dipole
- A. Figure of eight
- B. Omnidirectional
- C. Bidirectional
- D. Unidirectional
43. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Determine the gain of a 6 ft. parabolic dish operating at 1800 MHz.
- A. 30 dB
- B. 11.2 dB
- C. 15.5 dB
- D. 28.17 dB
44. ECE Board Exam April 1997
An electromagnetic wave is ________ polarized when the electric field lies wholly in one plane containing the direction of propagation.
- A. Horizontally
- B. Linearly
- C. Circularly
- D. Vertically
45. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A device that reduces the intensity of light in fiber optics communication systems.
- A. Reducer
- B. Quality factor
- C. Optical attenuator
- D. Compressor
46. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Propagation mode of microwave in a waveguide is known as _______.
- A. TM
- B. TE
- C. SW
- D. TEM
47. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The width of the frequency band which is just sufficient to ensure the transmission of information at the rate and with the quality required under a specified condition and class of emission.
- A. Occupied bandwidth
- B. Reference frequency
- C. Necessary bandwidth
- D. Frequency tolerance bandwidth
48. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A convenient method of determining antenna impedance.
- A. Stub matching
- B. Reactance circle
- C. Smith chart
- D. Trial and error
49. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Which of the following fall under the high frequency band of the radio spectrum?
- A. 8.2345 MHz
- B. 150.50 MHz
- C. 2.4555 MHz
- D. 35.535 MHz
50. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The electric field lies in a plane parallel to the earth’s surface.
- A. Elliptical polarization
- B. Horizontal polarization
- C. Vertical polarization
- D. Circular polarization
51. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The use of telecommunication for the transmission of signals to initiate, modify or terminate functions of equipment at a distance.
- A. Tracking
- B. Telemetry
- C. Telecommand
- D. Space telemetry
52. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The product of the power supplied to the antenna and its gain relative to a half-wave dipole in a given direction.
- A. Peak envelope power
- B. ERP
- C. Rated power
- D. Carrier power’
53. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The Ku-band in the satellite service
- A. 14/11 GHz
- B. 30/17 GHz
- C. 8/7 GHz
- D. 6/4 GHz
54. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The sinusoidal carrier is pulsed so that one of the binary states is represented by a carrier while the other is represented by its absence.
- A. FSK
- B. ASK
- C. PSK
- D. QAM
55. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Width measured in degrees of a major lobes between end of the love at which the relative power is one half (-3dB) its value from the peak of the lobe.
- A. Bandwidth
- B. Wavelength
- C. Radiation
- D. Beamwidth
56. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The most common unit of noise measurement in white noise voltage testing.
- A. NPR
- B. dBm
- C. dBW
- D. dBrn
57. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Any governmental office responsible in discharging the obligations undertaken in the convention of the ITU and the regulation.
- A. Administration
- B. The union
- C. Country
- D. Telecommunications office
58. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A large speaker having a large diameter (15 cm and above)
- A. Coaxial speaker
- B. Woofer
- C. Tweeter
- D. Trixial speaker
59. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Coaxial lines are used on those systems operating _______.
- A. Below 2 GHz
- B. At 300 MHz
- C. Above 10KHz
- D. Above 10GHz
60. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Determine the dynamic range for a 10 bit sign magnitude code.
- A. 1023
- B. 425
- C. 511
- D. 756
61. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A coherent binary phase shift keyed BPSK transmitter operates at a bit rate of 20 Mbps with a carrier to noise ratio C/N of 8.8dB. Find Eb/No.
- A. 73 dB
- B. 62.4 dB
- C. 81.8 dB
- D. 8.8 dB
62. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Receives and collects satellite signals form a broadcast satellite.
- A. LNB
- B. Yagi-Uda array
- C. Satellite receiver
- D. Satellite disk
63. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the effect in over modulated amplitude modulated radio broadcasting transmission?
- A. Interference to adjacent channel
- B. Higher fidelity
- C. Increase noise
- D. Higher audio signal
64. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Average power of a radio transmitter supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during one radio frequency cycle taken under the condition of no modulation.
- A. Peak envelop power
- B. Rated power
- C. Carrier power
- D. Mean power
65. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A method of expressing the amplitude of complex non-periodic signals such as speech.
- A. Frequency
- B. Wavelength
- C. Volume
- D. Pitch
66. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A government regulation in telecommunication which provide policy to improve the provision of local exchange carrier service.
- A. E.O. 109
- B. Act 3846
- C. E.O. 59
- D. E.O. 546
67. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Radio communication operation service between mobile and land stations or between mobile stations.
- A. Land mobile satellite service
- B. Maritime mobile service
- C. Mobile service
- D. Land mobile
68. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The smaller the f rating, the _____ light that lens can take in.
- A. More
- B. Intense
- C. Less
- D. Same
69. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A radio communications service use in radio regulation between specified fixed points provided primarily for the safety of air navigation and for the regular efficient and economical air transport.
- A. Space operation service
- B. Space service
- C. Aeronautical mobile service
- D. Aeronautical fixed service
70. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Harmonic suppressor connected to an antenna.
- A. High pass filter
- B. Low pass filter
- C. Tank circuit
- D. M-derived filter
71. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The tendency of the sound energy to spread.
- A. Rarefaction
- B. Reflection
- C. Refraction
- D. Diffraction
72. ECE Board Exam April 1997
An earth satellite whose period of revolution is equal to the period of rotation of the earth about its axis.
- A. Geosynchronous
- B. Steerable
- C. Passive
- D. Active
73. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A figure of merit used to measure the performance of a radiation detector.
- A. Noise equivalent power
- B. Ripple factor
- C. Safe factor
- D. Quality factor
74. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Radio wave concentration in the direction of the signal emitted by a directional antenna.
- A. Back lobe radiation
- B. Side lobe radiation
- C. Major lobe radiation
- D. Transmitted signal
75. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the channel bandwidth of a standard analogue telephone system?
- A. 300 - 500 Hz
- B. 1200 kHz
- C. 100 - 300 Hz
- D. 300 - 3400 Hz
76. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A satellite receives an uplink frequency of _______ MHz from a ground station of 3700 MHz.
- A. 8150 MHz
- B. 1475 MHz
- C. 2225 MHz
- D. 5925 MHz
77. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The outer conductor of a coaxial transmission line is always grounded at the
- A. Input only
- B. Input and output
- C. Output only
- D. Point of high SWR
78. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Sound intensity is given as
- A. df/dP
- B. dE/dp
- C. dA/dP
- D. dP/dA
79. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The lowest frequency produced by an instrument.
- A. Harmonic
- B. Fundamental
- C. Midrange
- D. 0 Hz
80. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The reflector and director of an antenna array are considered as
- A. Parasitic elements
- B. Transcendental elements
- C. Feed-points
- D. Driven elements
81. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The core of the optical fiber has ______.
- A. A medium index of refraction
- B. A lower index of refraction than the cladding
- C. A lower index of refraction than air
- D. A higher index of refraction than the cladding
82. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What makes an antenna physically long but electrically short?
- A. Top loading
- B. Adding C in series
- C. Adding L in series
- D. All of these
83. ECE Board Exam April 1997
An AM transmitter is rated 100W at 100% modulation. How much power required for the carrier?
- A. 33.33 W
- B. 66.66 W
- C. 83.33 W
- D. 100 W
84. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Used for time division multiplexing.
- A. Frequency modulation
- B. Pulsed modulation
- C. SSB
- D. Amplitude modulation
85. ECE Board Exam April 1997
A means of beyond the line-of-sight propagation of microwave signal.
- A. Space wave
- B. Microwave link
- C. Troposcatter
- D. Point-to-point
86. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Which of the following refers to the smallest beam of satellite antenna’s radiation pattern?
- A. Hemispheric beam
- B. Spot beam
- C. Zone beam
- D. Global beam
87. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Theoretical gain of a hertzian dipole
- A. 0 dB
- B. 1.76 dB
- C. 3 dB
- D. 2.15 dB
88. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Satellite system or part of a satellite system, consisting of only one satellite and the operating earth station.
- A. Satellite system
- B. Satellite network
- C. Space system
- D. Multi-satellite link
89. ECE Board Exam April 1997
The difference between the original and reconstructed signal gives rise to
- A. S factor
- B. Quantizing noise
- C. S/N
- D. Fade margin
90. ECE Board Exam April 1997
An area in the memory used for temporary storage of information, on “Last in First out” basis.
- A. Core
- B. Register
- C. Flag
- D. Stack
91. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Refers to a land station in a maritime mobile service
- A. Coast station
- B. Ship earth station
- C. Coast earth station
- D. Maritime station
92. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Modulation in which no signal is present between pulses
- A. Pulse modulation
- B. QAM
- C. PSK
- D. FSK
93. ECE Board Exam April 1997
In the designation of bandwidth and emission, what letter in the first symbol represents a double-sideband type of modulation?
- A. A
- B. B
- C. C
- D. H
94. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Loss due to the diffraction of light when it strikes on the irregularities formed during the manufacturing process of the fiber optics.
- A. Absorption loss
- B. Attenuation
- C. Bending loss
- D. Rayleigh scattering loss
95. ECE Board Exam April 1997
What is the unit of electric field strength?
- A. Watt/meter
- B. Ohms/meter
- C. Ampere/meter
- D. Watt/meter2
- E. No answer
96. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Refers to the first generation of local loop system in telecommunication technology.
- A. GSM
- C. Analogue cellular
97. ECE Board Exam April 1997
An area on the surface of the earth within which the bore sight of the steerable satellite beam intended to be pointed
- A. Effective boresight area
- B. Countour boresight area
- C. Coordination boresight are
- D. Equivalent boresight area
98. ECE Board Exam April 1997
For a sample rate of 40 kHz, determine the maximum analog input frequency
- A. 30 kHz
- B. 40 kHz
- C. 20 kHz
- D. 10 kHz
99. ECE Board Exam April 1997
An antenna that can only receive a television signal.
- A. Isotropic antenna
- C. Reference antenna
- D. Yagi antenna
100. ECE Board Exam April 1997
Halo is also called
- A. Flare
- B. Dark current
- C. Glitch
- D. Ghost
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