Start Grob TV End Chapter Exercise 04
Answers are Underlined
Chapter 4
Picture Tubes
- a. What is the diagonal screen size for 19CP4 picture tube? 19
- b. To what deflection angle does a maximum deflection angle of 45° either side of center correspond? 90°
- c. The usual heater voltage for picture tubes is 6.3 V.
- a. Typical anode voltage for a 25-in color picture tube is 30 kV.
- b. Typical anode capacitance is 2000 pF.
- a. The phosphor numbers for monochrome is P4 and for color picture tubes is P22.
- b. Aluminized tubes do not need an ion-trap.
- c. What is the color of the P1 phosphor? Green
- a. Control Grid is the most negative electron gun.
- b. Ultor or Anode is the most positive electron gun.
- c. Most of the electrons in the beam flow out of the anode terminal.
- a. The crossover point for focusing is formed by the first electron lens.
- b. A G3 voltage of 200V is used for low-voltage focus method.
- c. For most color picture tubes, the G3 focus voltage is an adjustable value of several kilovolts.
- a. The small magnets embedded in the yoke housing correct for pincushion distortion.
- b. The coils above and below the electron are for H scanning.
- c. Two permanent-magnet rigs just behind the yoke are used for centering the beam in monochrome receivers.
- d. Neck shadow result when the deflection yoke is too far back.
- a. Separation of the beams for the red, green and blue colors is accomplished by the shadow mask.
- b. In-line guns are easier than the delta guns in making the convergence adjustments.
- a. A shadow mask has about 300,000 holes.
- b. The holes in the shadow mask is conical in shape to prevent secondary emission.
- a. Ambient room lighting makes black on the screen appear lighter.
- b. Opaque phosphor masking improves contrast by making black appear darker.
- a. A TV projection picture shows less detail than the image on a direct-view picture tube.
- b. The typical anode voltage for projection tubes is 30 to 80 kV.
- a. When a picture tube is being discharged, the ground end of the clip lead should be connected first.
- b. Hold-down circuits limit the amount of color saturation.
- a. Weak emission from the cathode of the electron gun causes saturation limiting, with the picture appearing silvery gray where it should appear white.
- b. No picture, with a bright, blank raster and no control of brightness, may indicate a short circuit between the cathode and the control grid in the picture tube.
- c. A yellowish brown monochrome picture slowly balancing to a neutral gray scale indicates weak emission in the blue gun.
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