Start Grob TV End Chapter Exercise 05
Answers are Underlined
Chapter 5
Set up Adjustments for the Color Picture Tubes
- a. The color purity magnet serves as a centering magnet.
- b. The color purity and beam landing adjustments are the same.
- c. The color purity is adjusted for the raster, one color at a time. T
- a. Degaussing should be done before the color purity adjustments.
- b. The degaussing is done 60 Hz ac.
- c. The ADG circuit have a high current when the receiver is first turned on.
- a. A solid red raster is a check for good color purity.
- b. Small white dots in the picture are used for convergence adjustments.
- c. Color fringing on the edges of the picture is a sign of misconvergence.
- a. Static convergence is done for the center of the screen.
- b. Permanent magnets are used for static convergence.
- a. The basic waveform for dynamic convergence is the parabola or a half sine wave.
- a. Pincushion magnets are used for monochrome picture tubes.
- b. The abbreviation TB (Top to Bottom) is vertical pincushion correction.
- a. Typical dc grid bias for 19-in picture tube is –60 V.
- b. Typical ac signal drive for a 19-in picture tube is 140 Vp-p.
- c. The brightness control vary the dc bias for the picture tube.
- a. The R, G, and B screen-grid adjustment is set for visual cutoff.
- b. The R, G, and B video drive controls are set for white.
- c. The background controls are for dc bias.
- d. The G2 master screen control varies the dc voltage video signal.
- a. The color purity is adjusted before the dynamic convergence.
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